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Engleză >> Competiţii

Your Invitation to the Galatic Championships... (2)

al Romey >> marţi iulie 10 - 17:06

The World Cup has been one of the greatest ever championships this year in Russia and has been held in high regard by many as THE tournament of the 21st century. Rocking Soccer has been searching high and low for its answer to how it can exceed what the World Cup has done on the global stage. The answer is finally... here.

The Galatic Championships. 32 of the world's greatest teams will compete to fight it out for the Championship to end all Championships. You are invited to this exclusive, one-off tournament that will finally prove who can be regarded as the greatest team in the Universe. Here is your invitation to take part in what will surely be unmissable.

al Romey
Nou venit
al Romey >> joi iulie 19 - 08:46

Thanks for everyone that signed up for this! We are SOLD OUT!!

I'm hoping it will be a great tournament and the best team will emerge!!

al Romey
Nou venit