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Engleză >> Întrebări

Team Reset (2)

ph meow the cat >> vineri noiembrie 30 - 03:05

Tagig FC #3

The team got reset after 40-days without a manager. The stadium already have 14,000 capacity and has a training complex of level 7. Youth center is also level 7. It also have an office of level 3, fanshop and catering of level 5, and scout office of level 6.

Why this team got reset? It already have a good start

ph meow the cat
ph Puso ng Baguio
ro Andrei >> vineri noiembrie 30 - 04:19
"Vincent de Boer >> thursday january 29 2015 - 15:02

Advanced teams are now reset after one month if no new manager picks this team."
ro Andrei
Nou venit