Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Competiţii

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cn 笔架山 >> sâmbătă septembrie 28 - 16:59
The topic for the second european competition.

How is your team doing so far? What is your goal? Who do you think will be favourites to lift the trophy?

So far my team went through Q1 (vs Ljubljana) and Q2 (vs FC Schalke 04) and I hope we can reach the group stage where we will hope for a nice draw.

Manchester United and FC Houten could be seen as the favourites, but we will have to wait who is "relegated" from the group stage of Champions League

Good games, everyone
cn 笔架山
Nou venit
cn 笔架山 >> duminică septembrie 29 - 13:52
cn 笔架山
Nou venit