Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Languages of player (3)

pl Tomplus >> luni aprilie 29 - 09:45
I have question about languages our players in team. Did languages affect during play matches?

if I have players with this same languages, it they will be better from players with others languages or not?
pl Tomplus
pl Sarmacja Będzin
nl Vincent de Boer >> luni aprilie 29 - 18:17
No it doesn't affect how they play in matches.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
pl Tomplus >> luni aprilie 29 - 20:25
Ok, thx.. My golkeeper is better than 3 match ago and lost too much goals and he is from other country.
pl Tomplus
pl Sarmacja Będzin