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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

Perfect game: 10 (3)

be okapi >> marţi iunie 11 - 23:17
It is the first time I see a player playing "a perfect match" --> getting a 10 as judgement for his game

Armand Morisot (nr 4) in my U 21 League match. A big win over Izgiboys. I felt a bit sorry.
be okapi
be My sharona
hr v >> miercuri iunie 12 - 23:01
Home goalkeeper with a perfect "10"

This game was somenthing i never expected to see. I was playing 10 vs. 11 for more than one half. In the end i won the game 1:0. It was hard to stay still watching this game... I could only imagine how was it for away team manager.
hr v
Nou venit
hr v >> duminică iunie 16 - 19:39
And for number 2: Again the same goalkeeper.

This time he had nice round 10 saves, which is the highest number that i know off. My opponent was no other than last season double champion (both league and cup) and recent sensational winner over one of the strongest teams in rocking soccer Lost Keys United in their Champions league game. This was really some performance!
hr v
Nou venit