Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Friendly Fitness (4)

eng James >> vineri aprilie 26 - 05:57
I have a proposed friendly at 9 tommorow morning, and then a match at 6:30 in the evening. Will my players recover in time?
eng James
Nou venit
eng Bigbob >> vineri aprilie 26 - 06:38
stop your moaning!!!! of course they will :)
eng Bigbob
Nou venit
au Mr Legs >> vineri aprilie 26 - 07:59
Depends on their endurance, most should be ok, but you may find some of your lower endurance players aren't fully recovered. If worried, just swap your lower endurance players out at half time.
au Mr Legs
eng James >> vineri aprilie 26 - 14:32
OK @ bigbob, i will play you!
eng James
Nou venit