Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Sugestii

Închis Home- & Away-table (4)

us :( >> joi noiembrie 21 - 19:45
i was wondering if it would be possible (and somehow not too much work) to add a home&away table of the leagues. i dont think it needs much explanation, just something that came to my mind to be a nice feature and some more interesting statistics to watch.

hope im not alone with this. :)
us :(
Nou venit
de long >> joi noiembrie 21 - 19:45
de long
Admin comunitate
de FC Bayern München
nz Luke Broadcast >> joi noiembrie 21 - 19:57
all kind of stats table would be nice.

shots (on target), saves, chances created, passes/passes completed, crosses/crosses completed etc.

im sure these will come eventually...
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit