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Engleză >> Întrebări

re: loaning of players (4)

eng Bigbob >> duminică aprilie 21 - 10:50
so i'm thinking of loaning one of players out to get a bit of game time! this leads me to a couple of questions

whilst my player is out on loan

who's training ground does he benefits from? the parent club or the loaning club?

who decides what skills are upgraded

thanks in advance

eng Bigbob
Nou venit
nl Balladeer >> duminică aprilie 21 - 12:05
The owner decides which skill are upgraded (I can tell from experience :-)

The other question I'm not completely sure, but I think the owners training ground (because I still see the player there), but I'm not sure whether that's a good conclusion....
nl Balladeer
eng Bigbob >> duminică aprilie 21 - 20:03
thank you Balladeer,
eng Bigbob
Nou venit
eng VicRattlehead >> duminică aprilie 21 - 20:40
I'm pretty sure it is the owners ground. I think I read that in the help somewhere.
eng VicRattlehead
Nou venit