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Engleză >> Întrebări

Icons? (9)

eng Tottenham Hotspur >> marţi septembrie 10 - 06:39

Hi peeps

I'm not sure what the 'official' name for these things are so I've titled this icons, rightly or wrongly ... some teams in our division (2) have icons or badges next to the team name - league champions, cup winner and international tournaments.

My question is - are the league champions 'icons' only given to division 1 teams? I ask because I won division 2 two seasons ago ... before I went up, then down again, from division 1 and I can't see it for my team?

Just curious - unless it's there but I can't see it? Can anyone inform me please? Thank you.

eng Tottenham Hotspur
pt Castr0 >> marţi septembrie 10 - 08:56

I understand your point. I thing is a good adition to have badges next to your time name when you won't some trophy even in lower divisions.

pt Castr0
Nou venit

You mean Trophy icons, yes only leaguet one titles, cups, etc is shown there.

ee Balthazor >> miercuri septembrie 11 - 18:07

Lower division winners have just flag in museum and youth cups winners have cup only in museum. For trophy icom behind name you need to win League 1, national cup or international/continental cup. Another chance to have them is just picking a team that won something under a previous manager. 

If lower league title would give icon too then majority of teams in upper leagues would have it. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> luni septembrie 16 - 16:02

Thank you guys for the feedback. Personally I agree with Castr0 .. if  you win a division in 2, 3 or 4, you should get an icon too but never mind. I don't think I've ever looked in my museum so might do so later. :)

eng Tottenham Hotspur
il Numpty >> luni septembrie 16 - 17:08

Maybe a fair solution would be to award icons to lower division champions that only last for the following season. 

On the other hand some clubs award their own, by placing icons at the end of the team name.  cool

Here's one:

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
pt Castr0 >> marţi septembrie 17 - 08:51

@Numpty that was a good example. 

pt Castr0
Nou venit
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> marţi septembrie 24 - 14:38

You mean that tiny star, Numpty? You'd need a magnifying glass to see that but yes, good example. Thanks. Don't think I'll bother. :)

eng Tottenham Hotspur
ee Balthazor >> joi septembrie 26 - 19:14

Little bit related:

Maybe top league's 2nd and 3rd team should get silver and bronze medals to museum? They might be smaller than champion's gold medal. IRL every medal finds place in club's museum, but they aren't main trophies that deserve icons after name in table as silver icon shows former champions and bronze looks too similar to gold.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn