Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Turning credits into money (4)

eng Stephen >> miercuri septembrie 8 - 10:11

I have a huge stash of credits. What's the best way to turn these into money?

The returns for converting them into money through a sponsorship deal are weak. Creating players seems expensive and unlikely to make a profit in the current transfer market.

Is it best to create a lot of bad players and aim to sell them to the bank? This would take up squad space, of course.

I'd be interested to hear what other users think

eng Stephen
Admin şef
eng Seaburn Beach
in Keju >> miercuri septembrie 8 - 11:10

an idea would be to spend it in the transfer market. bid on all the cheap 15-16yo which have high competition but guarenteed profits. even a 1/20 hit should give you better return than player creation.

but its tedious and for a club of your size i dont think it makes a lot of sense in terms of returns.

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
eng holt >> miercuri septembrie 8 - 17:24

Seeing the rates, I'd say that you would probably make a higher profit by generating 450 credit players, than spending the equivalent on advertising.

If you have some vacant spots in the Office, creating staff may possibly save you a tiny amount.

eng holt
Nou venit
nl Aad Mansveld >> vineri septembrie 10 - 20:56

i prefer to make 500 credit players and farm them to bank. with a staff while creating you can create mire players for the same amount if credits. 

nl Aad Mansveld
nl **** The Hague FC ****