Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

manager all time greatest (5)

dk Boye1961 >> marţi mai 14 - 16:04
how about to make an all time page for managers. what I mean is if a manager wins the League or the pokal he gets a point. ex. winning the League gives 1 point or win the pokal also gives 1 point
dk Boye1961
hu MacikaG >> marţi mai 14 - 16:43
Like this in the Rocking Rackets:
Típus Össz. K S Fe Fű
Nagyversenyek 2000 1042 220 605 133
Kisebb versenyek 323 269 10 33 11
Amatőr versenyek 12 11 0 1 0
Junior versenyek 18 17 1 0 0
Összesen 2353 1339 231 639 144
hu MacikaG
Admin comunitate
hu ⚽Ferencváros✵✵✵
nl Vincent de Boer >> marţi mai 14 - 17:02
We want to add "achievements" managers can pursue. Each achievement will give some points (depending on how hard it is to reach). This can be used to generate a ranking like you mentioned.

You'll need to have some patience though before we'll implement this as it's still being thought over and hasn't reached the top of priorities yet.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
dk Boye1961 >> marţi mai 14 - 17:05
ok thanks
dk Boye1961
cn 橙子 >> marţi mai 14 - 18:21
Great idea!
Let's see who will get the most points after 10 seasons or 20 seasons.
cn 橙子