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Engleză >> Competiţii

Asian Championships - where is Australia? (5)

au Mr Legs >> luni septembrie 9 - 11:44
Should I be worried?

I just noticed that the Asian Championships Qualification stage is underway, but Australia doesn't seem to have been included. Although, all the other top Asian teams are all there.
au Mr Legs
es Maragator >> luni septembrie 9 - 13:03
Because Asian Championships is in Astralia.
es Maragator
es Real Astorga
au Mr Legs >> luni septembrie 9 - 14:53
Ah ok, so we are into the next stage then.

How do you know that? Been looking, but can't find it in the help, news or in a forum post.
au Mr Legs
es Maragator >> luni septembrie 9 - 15:14
es Maragator
es Real Astorga
nl Vincent de Boer >> marţi septembrie 10 - 13:19
It's been in the news several times and also mentioned in a newsletter.
nl Vincent de Boer
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