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Engleză >> Întrebări

NT Player problem (5)

it Solo >> vineri martie 22 - 13:46
a question, I am now training the Dominican NT, and I am in qualifying round 3, I had called the players and everything was fine, then 2 of my players were automatically excluded from the NT because the owner had the ring-start playoffs in conjunction with the 2nd qualifying round ..... I had to do without this player for round 2:

fortunately I managed to pass the turn and now I am very close to a qualification that could be historical, but it does not make me reconvene the player and he does not even put it back to me automatically in the NT team ... I don't understand what absurd bullshit it is, the play offs they are finished and I had summoned the player ..... how can I do?
it Solo
tr Mavi >> vineri martie 22 - 13:53

yeah thats a problem, playoffs are ended but you cant recall player. but there is new player selection process on 2nd week of season. so you have enough time to recall him. every time shortlist renews himself, he will be on the list dont worry.

tr Mavi
Nou venit
it Solo >> vineri martie 22 - 14:24, Editat vineri martie 22 - 14:25

ok , but first match of 3° round of qualy, will be 26/3, player selection will be before this date?  For my NT he is a key player, without him I can't have many chanche to pass the round......  :(

it Solo
tr Mavi >> vineri martie 22 - 14:28

2nd week of season. today is 52th week. you will have 2 days to call him.

tr Mavi
Nou venit
it Solo >> vineri martie 22 - 14:33

ok ..... so good..... thanks a lot for your reply!

have a good game

it Solo