Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

Player Language (5)

ch Robänkler >> marţi ianuarie 23 - 16:03, Editat marţi ianuarie 23 - 16:04

Hi guys,

I was wondering if the players language has an effect on how well he fits a team. Does a team with mostly speakers of the same language have a better communication? Maybe even if they speak the countries language or one of them.

Maybe somebody knows something about this.

Cheerio Robank

ch Robänkler
ch Borussia Robank
il Numpty >> marţi ianuarie 23 - 16:14

It makes no difference to the matches, but it does have an affect on player transfers. That's all it is used for.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> marţi ianuarie 23 - 20:24

Having the same nationality will help though @Ròbãñkłër especially if some of your players have the Patriotic attribute

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ch Robänkler >> miercuri ianuarie 24 - 10:45

Thank you for the answers. Oh well :) I tried to improve my team by getting players with the language german :D

Have fun!

ch Robänkler
ch Borussia Robank
us Peter >> miercuri ianuarie 24 - 20:39

Seig heil to you too!

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers