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Engleză >> Sugestii

Team chemistry (6)

si Makaveli >> joi august 8 - 06:22
Maybe this feature could be added to the game. "Team chemistry".
Those teams which buy and sell the most could have lower team chemistry, than those which stick with the same players for longer time. That would of course have an effect on the field. Better team chemistry means better results(not necessary), and via verse.
Or maybe we could see something like this: player "abc" from a team doesn't connect well with player "fgh". So having them both on the pitch would not give you the best effect. So you are forced to use another player to play nexy to "abc", even if that player is not so good as "fgh".
Just a suggestions, lemme know what you think :)
si Makaveli
Nou venit
il trikotrako >> joi august 8 - 18:27
agree, you can't just buy 10 players, we don't see that in reality.
il trikotrako
nl Abe Bodaan >> joi august 8 - 19:45
We do see that in reality..
nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora
si Makaveli >> joi august 8 - 20:18
Yes, it's possible to see it in reality, but it would definitly have an effect on team's performance. Don't you think so?
si Makaveli
Nou venit
hu Patrik >> joi august 8 - 21:16
nice idea
hu Patrik
Nou venit
tr Tolga >> vineri august 9 - 10:36
yeah agreed
tr Tolga
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