Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Why I can't switch teams??? Even to a new team directly (6)

in Kp >> vineri noiembrie 23 - 11:58

I couldn't switch team I can't find option for the new club in it's manager log

in Kp
Nou venit
ro Andrei >> vineri noiembrie 23 - 12:10
You can't do that, since your club is not an 'advanced club' yet.

See the third subsection here.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
in Kp >> vineri noiembrie 23 - 12:45

Another one doubt if I have a starter vip and if I use it to speed up 8hr on YC to lv5 and still can I switch club?? 

in Kp
Nou venit
ro Andrei >> vineri noiembrie 23 - 18:45
You're forgetting one facility in that whole thing.

ro Andrei
Nou venit
in Kp >> vineri noiembrie 23 - 22:57

It is stadium or youth center or training complex it means any one right I have YC 5

in Kp
Nou venit
ro Andrei >> sâmbătă noiembrie 24 - 04:30
Stadium and YC or TC. Read the article from the rules that I linked.
ro Andrei
Nou venit