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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

Uefa Champions League - UCL19/20 (23)

pt Castr0 >> vineri august 30 - 09:49

Hello guys.

What do you think about the UCL draw yesterday? who will you support? In your opinion which group is the group of dead?

My team, FC Porto, was relegated to Europe League so this year we don't have champions on our stadium. cry

pt Castr0
Nou venit
ca Alex Seymour >> vineri august 30 - 17:22

I don't know but I thought Eric Cantona's speech was nothing short of spectactuar. The man is a genius.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
us Joey >> vineri august 30 - 20:47

As far as UCL goes I'm supporting Ajax. I think they got a favorable group in the draw yesterday (Lille, Valencia, Chelsea), but those are still going to be some tough matches.

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
pt Castr0 >> vineri august 30 - 23:31

My wish is to be alive when we will understand the Eric Cantona Speech.

pt Castr0
Nou venit
ee Ryan >> sâmbătă august 31 - 07:13

Good group for Ajax, unlucky for Zvezda. Favorites this year definitely Atalanta and Zvezda

ee Ryan
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> sâmbătă august 31 - 09:47

Im rooting for Juventus and Arsenal :)  

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
eng holt >> luni noiembrie 4 - 10:21

Haaland for you.
eng holt
Nou venit
eng holt >> sâmbătă august 8 - 06:53, Editat sâmbătă august 8 - 06:58

How was the penalty given against Juventus?

It was never a pen.

PS:Both the pens in the game were equally atrocious.

eng holt
Nou venit
in Dr. Arpit >> vineri august 14 - 20:56

Wow, that was just wow, 8-2

in Dr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune
eng holt >> sâmbătă august 15 - 02:12, Editat sâmbătă august 15 - 03:00

You have bad performances,and then this.Holy shit.

eng holt
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> sâmbătă august 15 - 08:41

Lmao :D Barca has been so arrogant , maybe this is a wake up call so they can improve

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
lv Ar4ers >> sâmbătă august 15 - 10:39

CL without spectators are nothing 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
ro Andrei >> sâmbătă august 15 - 12:07
Don't think we can really help it.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> sâmbătă august 15 - 15:06

I would rather have CL without spectators then no CL at all

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
eng holt >> duminică august 16 - 05:48

Exciting match-ups.

eng holt
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