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Engleză >> Întrebări

Is it true that old players can only be fired? (7)

nl SJ >> vineri iunie 7 - 04:06
I tried to sell an age 29 player at last transfer window, but failed.
Even the computer teams didn't want him. (I felt so sad for the old man.)
What can I do? Just fire him?
nl SJ
Nou venit
sco Scotland1983 >> vineri iunie 7 - 04:10
hmm some old ones will be worth something sepending what they can offer to a team ie a team looking for a cheap one season measure if they are low on cash till the younger players are ready for a full season i hope this helps:)
sco Scotland1983
md MegaChampions FC
cn protein >> vineri iunie 7 - 04:59
You can put him on the transferlist again, SJ, there is limitation for this action at the moment.
cn protein
nl Corniel >> vineri iunie 7 - 10:59
I guess that if a 29 year old player is less then 2 stars, I't can hardly be an improvement for any team. When he has over 4 stars, still a lot of teams will interested. ;)
nl Corniel
Nou venit
tw 小冠 >> sâmbătă iunie 8 - 00:49
I think a 29 years old player with about 2.5 stars is still good for improving squad of a newly generated club in one full season.
tw 小冠
Nou venit
sco Scotland1983 >> sâmbătă iunie 8 - 01:49
exactly or even a 2 star one to add cover to such a team:)
sco Scotland1983
md MegaChampions FC
ar 路路逍遥 >> sâmbătă iunie 8 - 05:08
I think the reason that you can not sell the player is all of the computer teams do not have enough money to buy him.
ar 路路逍遥
Nou venit