Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

[Suggestion] Friend list (8)

pl Anomander >> duminică aprilie 28 - 07:11, Editat duminică aprilie 28 - 07:12
As you already may know since today some national teams are no longer managed by bots, but there's a small 'issue' if one of your friends gets elected.

Having two teams looks kinda bad in the online list of friends:

Small suggestion to change this:
pl Anomander
ro SpokenReasons >> duminică aprilie 28 - 08:10
Not a bad one. Not a bad one at all ;).
ro SpokenReasons
it Fresty >> duminică aprilie 28 - 20:51
Good idea. You could also add a little text box with the name of the country, if I stop the mouse over the flag.
it Fresty
Nou venit
ca denisgrad >> luni aprilie 29 - 02:25
I simple idea but the idea that deserves my like.
ca denisgrad
Nou venit
us valentine >> luni aprilie 29 - 02:34
I like the original one, I can't tell every country only from its national flag.
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
au Mr Legs >> luni aprilie 29 - 03:09
Only problem with the suggestion, is that I can't mouse over on a tablet or a phone, so would have to click the link.
au Mr Legs
tw 小冠 >> luni aprilie 29 - 03:53
Just give them another color if they manage national teams.
tw 小冠
Nou venit
fr jonkrebs >> luni aprilie 29 - 11:14
That's a good idea :) But it's true that's not always easy to see which country is it just by the flag.

The other solution would be to adapt the rendering so that there is no line between the national team and the club of the friend (on the home page) or the same color on both lines on the friends list.
fr jonkrebs