Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

10 year anniversary (9)

ch UFRAspieler >> vineri octombrie 7 - 10:24
Hello folks.
What do you think, will there be a 10 year anniversary? I don't think Vincent is that active anymore. I would be very happy if anything happened. A surprise would be nice.

ch UFRAspieler
de United Friends of RA
by Andryvs >> vineri octombrie 7 - 12:06

 VIP 3 for all players for hole season would be nice gift

by Andryvs
by Prussians
eng holt >> vineri octombrie 7 - 12:26

An all expenses paid travel to Amsterdam for a physical conference is something I could live with.

eng holt
Nou venit
il Numpty >> vineri octombrie 7 - 14:13

Enjoy your 'window shopping' Holt.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Lee >> vineri octombrie 7 - 18:30

Could Vincent's return be the surprise!?

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng holt >> vineri octombrie 7 - 20:06

@Lee That would be very surprising indeed.

A countdown on the main page would be pretty great. About a week to go.

eng holt
Nou venit
eng holt >> vineri octombrie 14 - 06:18

Vincent: "The current game world exists since februari 5th 2013."

The wait continues.

eng holt
Nou venit
pii >> vineri octombrie 14 - 11:23, Editat vineri octombrie 14 - 11:30
Jesus resurrected on the third day, because he care so much for his people and proved a point.
Vincent has been absent since 5 good years. Because he care less for the game and its users.
Who runs this game now?
its a mystery i can't explain.
eng holt >> vineri octombrie 14 - 19:19

The game runs itself. This is the power of RS.

eng holt
Nou venit