Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Competiţii

North American WC Qualifications (2)

br faelcks >> sâmbătă iunie 1 - 18:32
Is there anybody in there?

Jamaica got a STUPDLY easy way to WC.

USA and Mexico, besides being the "strongest" ones, are losing to Puerto Rico, (mexico lost 2x1 on the season opening)

Curaçao, from our Admin Protein (he left Jamaica Ç.Ç) can be 2nd, but it's a hard way
br faelcks
Nou venit
br faelcks >> marţi iunie 4 - 22:55
Jamaica and Cuba Keeps the perfect Run.

Curacao is still trying.
br faelcks
Nou venit