Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

Transfer deadline exceed the windows closed time? (3)

cn 默默无闻的臭小子 >> duminică martie 3 - 11:15
I would like to ask a question. I see the deadlines of many players in the transfer list are exceed the deadline of the transfer windows. For example, the deadline of the players is tomorrow 11:00 but the window is closed at 8:00. Will these players still be available to bid after the window closed or removed from the transfer list automatically at tomorrow 8:00?

Thank you.
cn 默默无闻的臭小子
Nou venit
nl Vincent de Boer >> duminică martie 3 - 11:17
Bidding will continue. The transfer windows only determine when you can put players on the list.

See also the help:
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
cn 默默无闻的臭小子 >> duminică martie 3 - 11:26
Thank you. :)
cn 默默无闻的臭小子
Nou venit