Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

XP after 6 friendly (5)

us puckett0713 >> duminică martie 3 - 20:24
I have looked around for a answer to this and havent found it yet. It maybe out there but I wanted to make sure. I wanted to see how much xp do players get after they use up there 6 friendly games for 150xp. Do they still get xp for playing a friendly anymore or is it half? Im pretty sure we will get some xp but if someone can fill me in on this that would be great. I have a lot of players that are done with the 6 friendlys. Thanks
us puckett0713
nl Vincent de Boer >> duminică martie 3 - 20:37
Each player only gets xp in his first 6 friendly matches and 20 league matches. After that they won't gain further experience from these matches.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
it fabregas >> miercuri martie 6 - 19:27
Hi Vincent, this is something not really clear to me and i think it should be implemented in the Help section :)

1. Aside from the 500exp for 20 League matches and 150 for 6 friendlies, my players wont grow any further AT ALL during that season?

2. If so, talent skill is not relevant in the following matches played?

3. What is the whole effect of training complex then?
For example, TRAING COMPLEX LVL 3 has this description:
Training effectiveness --> 36 times "talent" xp per game week.
Does this 36x bonus apply only on those 500 or 150 per match?
it fabregas
Admin comunitate
it Pro Vasto 1902
nl Vincent de Boer >> miercuri martie 6 - 21:35, Editat miercuri martie 6 - 21:36
Match experience and training experience are separate things.

Players get training experience continuously, depending on the level of your training complex and the player's talent.

Besides that they also get experience for matches, this is what I explained in my previous post.

All of this is explained here:
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
it fabregas >> miercuri martie 6 - 22:09
Thanks mate that was helpful.
I didnt notice that page in the help section before, I apologize. Cheers :)
it fabregas
Admin comunitate
it Pro Vasto 1902