Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Talent (3)

eng James >> luni iunie 17 - 10:23
What effect does talent have? There is nothing in the help, and nobody has told me, so I don't know. I assume it's what level your player will be at least when he finishes his youth seasons, but I don't know.
eng James
Nou venit
es Maragator >> luni iunie 17 - 10:31
more experience in complex training
es Maragator
es Real Astorga
nz Tiety Kooistra >> luni iunie 17 - 11:24
The amount of tallent your player has will be used to calculate the xp he will gain each day. It has noting to do with the star value of a player when he finishes the youth seasons.

About talent
About talent and the influence of the trainingcenter
nz Tiety Kooistra
Nou venit