Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

Adding an extra server (14)

nl Sjoerd Hemminga >> miercuri iulie 9 - 21:14
You may have noticed some slowness in the site. This is because we have outgrown our server. Over the coming days we will add an extra server to increase the speed and responsiveness of the site, and to accomodate more players.

Adding an extra server will also require some changes to our current server. You may notice some short outages because of restarts. We currently do not anticipate any down time longer than a minute or so.
nl Sjoerd Hemminga
Dezvoltator şef
nl FC Zwijndrecht
pt Sir Alex >> miercuri iulie 9 - 21:21
Good news :)

Congratulations and thank you

Sir Alex
pt Sir Alex
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> joi iulie 10 - 01:34
Yes good news and thank you. I did wonder. :)

Great to see more players coming and the game getting more and more successful and known about. Good job.

eng Tottenham Hotspur
eng Aamirkhan >> joi iulie 10 - 04:31
Great! I like it when the competition gets tougher :)
eng Aamirkhan
Nou venit
in Dave >> joi iulie 10 - 05:32
Good hope it gets in order very soon...........
in Dave
Nou venit
in viktor >> joi iulie 10 - 05:56
thank you.
in viktor
in Air FC
nice sir.. Would like to see alternative way to change lineups can't just use drag and drop on my mobile except auto lineups which is not the best....
nz Luke Broadcast >> vineri iulie 11 - 07:00
im so close smashing my keyboard right now. so slow :D
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit
nl Abe Bodaan >> vineri iulie 11 - 07:31
Same here :P
nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora
eng Aamirkhan >> vineri iulie 11 - 07:56
My friendly match is going on 1415 mins! Extra-ordinary!
eng Aamirkhan
Nou venit
nl PokéFlute >> sâmbătă iulie 12 - 09:24
Do you guys also have problems with logging in and reaching the site today?
nl PokéFlute
Nou venit
nl PokéFlute >> sâmbătă iulie 12 - 09:32
I already got my answer ;)
nl PokéFlute
Nou venit
lu Fightin_Irish >> duminică iulie 13 - 08:53
why is it saying that the 1st half is lasting 1489 minutes. Its really annoying
lu Fightin_Irish
Nou venit
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> duminică iulie 13 - 13:08
It's to do with so many matches around the time your team has them so the server can't process it at the time but the result, attendance etc work as it should. Just means you have to come back later to watch. I saw a post about this a while back from Vincent explaining this. Hopefully when the new server is up and ready, this shouldn't happen - at least I presume not. :)
eng Tottenham Hotspur