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Închis Why to win a game becomes so hard to me? (8)

cn 桑特拉奇 >> duminică iulie 21 - 21:53
I know my team is not that strong to compare with those VIP3 already been here for 5 months. But I can't understand I got a draw against such a weak bot team. Dear Vincent, if you don't want me to win any game, please let me know and I'll definitely leave :(
cn 桑特拉奇
ng 手术刀 >> luni iulie 22 - 02:23
yes,it's so hard,Even if your opponent is a computer, and his strength is poor
ng 手术刀
ng 蓝冰 >> luni iulie 22 - 02:50
If I were the team strength deficiency, I lose, I don't have any complaints, but if my opponent is weaker than me so much I still lost, or be always on tenterhooks fear losing, seems a little too fake, psychology is very difficult to balance, excuse me how much I can be higher than the opponent and win???
ng 蓝冰
ng Out Of Africa
sg FlameTermite >> luni iulie 22 - 05:44
My team had a hard season last season. With a bad start losing to teams that I should have win easily and 100% win from scout office (but of cause somethings 5 matches per scout is too small a sample size). But in the end I fought back to finish 2nd even with my best player on injury for about 9 days. Could have got the 1st last season but even when the odds are against you, you must persist. A good manager is not one that give up when losing, but one that fight back against the odds.
sg FlameTermite
nl Vincent de Boer >> luni iulie 22 - 06:54
Please, I don't make people lose. It's harder to make goals this season, so it's harder to ensure a victory. Everyone has the same conditions though, if you lose points now you must keep in mind that this can happen to your rivals too later in the season.

If your team is really better than another you won't win every match against them but in 30-38 matches you will probably end above them.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
fr jonkrebs >> marţi iulie 23 - 09:04, Editat marţi iulie 23 - 09:14
I don't understand anything either to the new game engine... Keep losing even against teams that are weaker on the paper. And the worth, can't manage to score anything... Even losing against team which don't have a manager taking care of them, so maybe I should just let the computer do the work at my place.

I agree that weakest team can beat stronger sometimes, but when that happens all the time, it's really annoying! Especially when your team is losing against weaker, but you never beat better teams.

Started with low risk on kicking, they were almost not kicking at all... Then putting hight risks to try, and they kick a lot but almost never on the target... So one by one rollbacking all advanced tactics.
fr jonkrebs
cn 隔壁老王队 >> miercuri iulie 24 - 03:47, Editat miercuri iulie 24 - 04:01
Harder to goal even if I have the best Striker in league and easy to get a red card
That is what happens to me in the past several matches
Even losing against team weaker than me
Not once,but almost every match
I can understand,I payed so much time on it,but the result is so bad.
cn 隔壁老王队
nl Vincent de Boer >> miercuri iulie 24 - 08:58
No need to have two topics for this, please continue the discussion here:

I'll listen to constructive feedback.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef