Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

financial status of a club disappeared (3)

cn 卷心菜 >> luni iulie 29 - 15:29
We used to find this in the 'clubs' overview in a league.
There we could find if a club is rich - whealthy - poor.
But it disappeard.

Can we find this information somewhere?
cn 卷心菜
Nou venit
it Echo >> luni iulie 29 - 16:38
If you ask for a transfer of a player you can see the financial status of his team.
it Echo
cn 卷心菜 >> luni iulie 29 - 20:39
yes, that works, still I mis it in the clubs overview.
Thanks though!
cn 卷心菜
Nou venit