Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

follow other leagues+injuries (5)

fr jophilo >> joi februarie 7 - 18:13
Is there a way to see all the leagues ? I ask because i want to follow other leagues but can't find the way to see all of them.
For injuries: can i see somewhere how much time my player will be out or do i need a facility to know it?
thx :)
fr jophilo
Nou venit
nl Corniel >> joi februarie 7 - 19:33
Injured players are marked. The indicator shows exactly when a player can play again. You can even create a line-up with a injured player if he will be healed at the time of the upcomming match.

I couldn't find the other leagues eighter?!
nl Corniel
Nou venit
fr jophilo >> vineri februarie 8 - 14:24
Oh yes !! you have to let your "mouse" on the red crosses !!!
Thx you.
Still waiting for help on the leagues ...
fr jophilo
Nou venit
nl Vincent de Boer >> vineri februarie 8 - 15:08
You can see the leagues now under "countries" in the menu.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
fr jophilo >> vineri februarie 8 - 23:52
great !!!!
fr jophilo
Nou venit