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Engleză >> Competiţii

Join the Pakistan league (2)

ng Dam >> vineri martie 15 - 09:27

 Here in the Pakistan league, we have 6 human managers and 1 human manager in division 2 of the league who will join in division 1 to make it 7 for next season.

Managers with VIP can choose from Pakistan league clubs for a second team and we also have 2 good clubs that are good for managers without VIP.

We use this medium to implore managers to come so we can make the Pakistan league more thrilling and exciting.

We hope to see more managers,TV revenue will soon be given,here comes a good chance to be managers of the Pakistan teams.


ng Dam
pw Silver STAR⭐
ng Dam >> vineri martie 15 - 11:58

A vacant good team in Pakistan league for a manager without VIP and its a team that needs no jumper as a manager.

Likely to qualify for Asian league qualifiers

ng Dam
pw Silver STAR⭐