Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Play-off matches being listed as 0 attendance, do they count towards competitive matches? (3)

eng Matt >> joi iulie 4 - 15:43

As title states,

Played 2 home matches during the play-offs. The 2 matches I played at home show as having 0 attendance, and they are listed under 'Recent competitive matches' under Stadium->Matches.

Before these 2 matches I was only 1 game away from being able to build my next level stadium, and I planned my construction accordingly so I can build the Stadium as soon as I become eligible after my next home match.

If these 2 "0" attendance matches count towards my 4 out of 5 matches needed high attendance then that is truly stupid. Can someone please confirm that they do not count for me?

Thanks in advance

eng Matt
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> joi iulie 4 - 16:16, Editat joi iulie 4 - 16:19
league playoff matches don't give any stadium income or popularity. thus doesnt count for stadium upgrade.
pal N10 >> joi iulie 4 - 16:19

pal N10
co Deportivo Dynamo