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Engleză >> Sugestii

New features for credits? (7)

pl MAT >> miercuri octombrie 9 - 10:03

one frendly matches = 1 tokens = 25 credits

I have many credits. I don't know where more I can used this? Maybe some extra features for that?

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> miercuri octombrie 9 - 10:39, Editat miercuri octombrie 9 - 10:42

B) pay 100 credits = +5% more audience

C) 50 credits = 1 exta point on the trainable player attribute

D) 250 credits = your choosen player recive random special atribute

E) 400 credits = you remove choosen special atribute

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
nl Losing >> joi octombrie 10 - 09:34

I think they should be more expensive than that, especially the trainable and special attribute ones, but in general we do need something to do with them.

nl Losing
il Numpty >> joi octombrie 10 - 10:37, Editat joi octombrie 10 - 17:53

Vincent has made his objectives for VIP/credits pretty clear:


  • The V.I.P. offer is designed to help new players get a quicker start to the game and give long-time players some extra features and conveniences. The actual ingame advantages are aimed to give a real boost to new accounts but become less important later on.

Unfortunately, the above proposals get you into the 'pay to win' territory. If you want to suggest something extra to use credits on then it needs to be extra features and conveniences rather than in-game advantages.

So I would suggest using credits for things that make the game more fun or make a manager's life easier rather than improving the players or giving extra money, such as: 

  • Make it easier to set lineups. Either extra days in advance and/or set default lineups.
  • Same ideas with U21 squad.  
  • Better graphics.
  • Automation of transfer listings. List player B when player A has sold, or at a certain time.
  • Better search/scout options.
  • More flexible options on creating friendly tournaments.
  • These are just a few ideas that can be improved on.  


  • Choose names for your (youth) players.
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ro Andrei >> joi octombrie 10 - 13:32
I agree with Numpty's suggestion.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
eng holt >> joi octombrie 10 - 20:42
1} Default lineups was rejected multiple times as it would lead to managers just logging in once every 1 or 2 weeks for trainings and tickets.It would lead to decreased interactions b/w the user and the game.
2} Graphics are never going to be improved,not in the next year atleast.

Customise-a-player sounds very nice, provided that it's done before the youth player is recuited.
eng holt
Nou venit
nl Losing >> joi octombrie 10 - 22:38

Automated/timed transfer listings would be a great feature for credits that doesn't seem to be too hard to implement, I think that one is a great idea.

nl Losing