Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Review (5)

br Ronaldo César >> marţi octombrie 15 - 11:52

How many moderators / administrators do you need to evaluate a transfer? I waited 12 hours and nothing. I was injured because I was aiming for another player, but the money was blocked. I see, it's safer against fraud, but add a tutorial to this question.

br Ronaldo César
nl Joddit >> marţi octombrie 15 - 13:38

What's your question exactly? 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
br Ronaldo César >> marţi octombrie 15 - 13:44

@Joddit How does player transfer review work.

br Ronaldo César
nl Joddit >> marţi octombrie 15 - 14:16

I don't know exactly, but I would assume they would try to answer at least two questions.

1) Is the amount offered for the player warranted.

2) Are there any other suspicious circumstances surrounding this transfer?

Maybe there are more things they consider...

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
ro Andrei >> marţi octombrie 15 - 14:16
Just as a brief clarification, moderators don't evaluate transfers.

For your actual question, I hope an admin will come along to explain.
ro Andrei
Nou venit