Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

Recent sale's and signings (seanson 48) (8)

be Samtizzy >> joi noiembrie 7 - 02:32

Why oh why did this one stop? I used to love everyone taking the mess out of me for my latest transfer balls-up.

Anyways. Post your recent sales and signings here, be they the bargain 10.50 you've picked up for $30Million. or that beast wonderkid you've just spunked $500,000million on.

be Samtizzy
us Peter >> joi noiembrie 7 - 05:14, Editat joi noiembrie 7 - 05:15

Somewhere in the middle of that range is this kid that I picked up for $100 mill.

With all the special attributes I could ask for in a defender, he fills the vacancy in the RB position at my club perfectly. Good talent and power as well. I was happy with this acquisition.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ua Kalle >> joi noiembrie 7 - 10:15

I bought this one last transferwindow because of his wicked nose:

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle
ng rado >> joi noiembrie 7 - 13:53

How do I copy my players link

ng rado
ro Andrei >> joi noiembrie 7 - 14:32
Go to your player's page, then copy the page's address from the address bar of your browser.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
hr Kupus >> joi noiembrie 7 - 16:17


Definitely plastic surgery there

hr Kupus
Admin comunitate
de Regnum Croatorum