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Engleză >> Întrebări

experience points (12)

br Fran >> sâmbătă aprilie 10 - 21:05

anyone knows a pratical way of calculating the total of experience points that a player has spent? something like looking at the 'times trained' of an attribute and using a formula

br Fran
br Inazuma Eleven
il Numpty >> sâmbătă aprilie 10 - 21:43, Editat sâmbătă aprilie 10 - 21:46


I produced a formula for doing this a while ago. It should be on the forum somewhere if you search for it...

Is this what you want?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
br Fran >> sâmbătă aprilie 10 - 21:57

ohh, thanks Numpty, this is exactly what I was searching, for some reason i couldn't find before

br Fran
br Inazuma Eleven
il Numpty >> sâmbătă aprilie 10 - 22:02, Editat sâmbătă aprilie 10 - 22:03

To be honest I'm a bit surprised that someone else wants it.

I was nuts enough to produce the formulae in the first place - and they seemed about as popular as breaking wind in a lift. :D

I have them coded in a spreadsheet for my own use.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
br Fran >> duminică aprilie 11 - 05:06, Editat duminică aprilie 11 - 05:07

i was really interested in this hahaha, my major interest in this game comes from the progression of young players, which I think is a cool idea, so I was analysing how much xp my youngs could get and the level they can reach. I was surprised that there isn't any answers in your formula post, they are really easy to use if I open a online calculator, copy-paste and substitute

br Fran
br Inazuma Eleven
il Numpty >> duminică aprilie 11 - 07:36

Did you mean you wanted something like a table giving the cost of say 50, 60, 70 etc. trainings? 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
br Fran >> duminică aprilie 11 - 20:31

it isn't what I wanted, but now you have said it, I think it would be a cool idea but not really necessary, it's already possible to do the calculations

however, it gives me a idea of a table doing the relation of star values to number of trainings, is it possible?

for example: a 26 years old player with 120 trainings in scoring haves around 8.65 of value (i've looked at Francis Chalana, one of my players)

there is any means to predict / calculate that?

br Fran
br Inazuma Eleven
il Numpty >> duminică aprilie 11 - 20:37, Editat duminică aprilie 11 - 20:39

I don't have a formula and I doubt if anyone else has. 

It would be possible, in theory, to work it out but it would be an equation with about 9 or 10 variables. It's also non-linear, so it's very complicated. Plus the fact that you're also working with rounded values so that adds to the difficulty.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Lee >> duminică aprilie 11 - 20:46

Numpty - are you a maths professor?

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
br Fran >> duminică aprilie 11 - 20:58

this is a good question Lee

but anyways, I also thought that this calculus would be sooo much beyond, so maybe it's better to not have a headache with it

br Fran
br Inazuma Eleven
il Numpty >> duminică aprilie 11 - 21:17

Lol @Lee, no. :D

Although many years ago I did read the beano at university. Maths was also supposed to be a large part of the curriculum, but the extra-curriculum stuff was much more fun ... :D  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Lee >> duminică aprilie 11 - 23:33

The Beano was a good read but I was more into the WWII Warlord comic, and Judge Dredd - plus sneaking a read of my brother's Viz.

By 'extra-curricular' I'm assuming you mean the chess club, and debate team?!

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels