Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Opening of Divisions (4)

eng holt >> luni septembrie 13 - 04:35

As far as I know, divisions or the league of an entire country can only be shut down by Vincent but what decides whether a new divison is required?

I feel that divisions are being opened up for no reason at all.

Eg. Slovenia has 17 users and 40 teams, with 1 user in the third divison.Lithuania and Sweden have no users in their third divison.

eng holt
Nou venit
il Numpty >> luni septembrie 13 - 08:07, Editat luni septembrie 13 - 08:17

League levels are removed during the maintenance that occurs at the end of a season. As far as I know this happens automatically and, other than writing the code, Vincent has no direct involvement. Presumably this happens when the number of free teams in that country exceeds a certain threshold.

League levels are added at any time during the season. This also happens automatically when the number of free teams in the country falls below a threshold. We don't know what this number is. 

From observation it may also happen based on the number of free teams in the game as a whole.  

In general new levels are being added at present as a result of the bug where inactive users are not being fired. When/if this get fixed then most likely a lot of the new levels will also get removed.

As for your examples, I had a quick look at the first one, Slovenia. Level 3 was added during Season 59. So it's not that recent and we don't know how many users they had at the time.   But if they had 17 users out of 20 teams in the first 2 levels then at the time they only had 3 teams that were free but it could have been more or less. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng ipfreely >> luni septembrie 13 - 11:11

Yeah the script would require there to be a few spare teams in the division(s) above before removing a level. I would expect that number to be higher than 3 (as per Slovenia's current situation).

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
eng holt >> marţi septembrie 14 - 11:11

Makes sense. Another addition to the long list of bugs.

eng holt
Nou venit