Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Special training (5)

wal Paul H >> miercuri septembrie 15 - 12:03

Any idea why i can't train him for 'Playmaker'

Don't think i am missing anything.He appears in all the other catogeries

wal Paul H
au The Red Dragon
be Angeldust >> miercuri septembrie 15 - 12:51

It's because you trained him "Winger" allready. Those two skills can't be combined because it would be overpowering. 

be Angeldust
wal Paul H >> miercuri septembrie 15 - 14:01

Cheers Angeldust

wal Paul H
au The Red Dragon
ru Seppo >> vineri septembrie 24 - 11:52

how to raise training morale?

ru Seppo
ru Karjala
il Numpty >> vineri septembrie 24 - 12:09

You can't. 

  • The training morale is a small hidden part of the talent and a hidden bonus/penalty on how much experience a player gets from matches. 
  • Both the talent and the match experience part are composed of two parts. One part is fixed for the player and the other part is randomly decided each season.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets