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Engleză >> Întrebări

loan players (5)

eng Sammy >> duminică octombrie 10 - 22:20, Editat duminică octombrie 10 - 22:20

Do loaned players get returned before your team' s playoff matches?

If not my players seem to have left early so they they may spend a couple of weeks in isolation.

eng Sammy
eng Fast Cocks
il Numpty >> duminică octombrie 10 - 22:27

In theory you are supposed to keep your loan players to play in the play-off matches.

But there's a bug - they do get a loan extension to play in promotion play-offs but not if you're in the relegation zone play-off.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Sammy >> duminică octombrie 10 - 22:37

Thank you

Its not the ideal scenario but neither is Kane and Song being wasted at Spurs lol

eng Sammy
eng Fast Cocks
eng Sammy >> duminică octombrie 10 - 22:47

Will players I get via loan& transfer in this transfer window be available for the playoffs?

eng Sammy
eng Fast Cocks
il Numpty >> duminică octombrie 10 - 23:05

Yeah, once a player is in your squad then you can use him.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets