Liga ţării Canada sezonul 16 [2]

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League of Canada [2] - Season 34 (28)

ca Sadrudin >> miercuri octombrie 18 - 20:03

What do you have to say about the upcoming season?

ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ca Ron >> joi octombrie 19 - 22:08

Transfer market is horrible. I don't like and am genuinely concerned about the direction of this game and its future...

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Sadrudin >> duminică octombrie 22 - 14:57

I have bought 1 player this whole transfer window, despite bidding on many players. It's so frustrating!

ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> sâmbătă octombrie 28 - 12:43

After I posted, I signed my second player (I think).

ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> sâmbătă octombrie 28 - 12:44

I think this season, since I'm trying out a lot of youngsters, my goal is to finish in a top 4 position.

ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> duminică octombrie 29 - 18:00, Editat duminică octombrie 29 - 18:01

I just noticed that my team is so young, my fifth oldest player is 23 years old!

As well as I have no players 30 years old or over! The oldest player that I have is 23 years old!

ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ca Ron >> duminică octombrie 29 - 23:56

Your two midfielders and 19yr old forward look promising...I like that you are using them and getting main squad exp as opposed to U21 exp...If they can make your main squad you might as well...

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Sadrudin >> sâmbătă noiembrie 11 - 01:38

I feel like every season is a transition season for my team...

ca Sadrudin
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ca Sadrudin >> luni noiembrie 13 - 02:14

Our new signing! Welcome Jacob Channing! 


ca Sadrudin
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ca Shazbozoanate >> marţi noiembrie 14 - 20:51

Wow, 3 own goals out of the 6 scored in the match.  Luckily for me I was good at banking them in off that Dman :)

ca Shazbozoanate
ca Shazland Steamrollers
ca Sadrudin >> miercuri noiembrie 15 - 21:46

@sockem, he'll make more than his money back in a few years time.

ca Sadrudin
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