Liga ţării SUA sezonul 19 [2]

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Season 84 (Plans and Expectations) (4)

us SeanPat0 >> marţi decembrie 3 - 01:57

I will finally during this season get some shovels into the ground to get the final upgrade for the stadium. 

Also, I think that my team will not be as bad as last season, and finish in the upper half of the table.

As soon as the upgrades to the Landing are done, it to see what is next to be done. Either get the billion in the bank, or make a run to a top five position at last.

us SeanPat0
us William Penn FC
us Peter >> sâmbătă decembrie 7 - 00:45

Plans: Kick all of your asses

Expectations: Kick all of your asses

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Peter >> joi decembrie 26 - 17:30

$10 says the Chinese guy at Stamford downvoted my message. Fortunately for him I'm not trying this season, and haven't set any of my lineups

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Kratos >> joi ianuarie 2 - 00:41

No I downvoted it because it was douchey.

us Kratos
us FC Wichita