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The worry about Coronavirus-2019 (198)

cn Loner >> Четверг Март 26 - 23:06

Our foreign ministry also issued a notice a few hours ago:

In view of the rapid global spread of COVID 19, China has decided to temporarily stop foreigners from entering China with valid visas and residence permits from 0:00 on March 28, 2020.

The situation is getting worse and worse. In some European countries,  are going through the most difficult period now. Come on, hold on.

cn Loner
hk Tsing Yu #5
nl Losing >> Пятница Март 27 - 05:25, Отредактирован Пятница Март 27 - 05:46

I have called the doctor and a public health agency.My symptoms aren't severe enough for treatment or testing. Only the most severe cases are. 

Italy and the US now both have had more confirmed cases than China and are still in the middle of it, the US in the beginning even and the government is taking about resuming normal life before Easter. Lots of others have it worse in terms of percentage too, including my tiny country. The unwillingness of some of the countries to shut anything down on time or in some cases at all is gonna pay off in a bad way. Some are now talking about how many million casualties are an acceptable sacrifice to keep the economy and, to them more importantly the stock market, going. They're minimizing these people as a small percentage of the total population, talking about how problems with retirement funds are solving themselves. 

These people are evil and we should remember who has blood on their hands when this is all over. If the US opens up at Easter, everyone who voted in favor of that will be on that list. But I'm also talking about companies like Gamestop that just kept operating, without taking any precautions for the safety of their employees or customers, after all other non-essential retail had shut down already based on orders from governors. Remember them when this is over. Hold them accountable. 

nl Losing
eng holt >> Пятница Март 27 - 05:32

@Losing Severe enough probably means on the verge of death in that case.

eng holt
lv Ar4ers >> Пятница Март 27 - 06:26

Stress and fear weaken immune system 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
il Numpty >> Пятница Март 27 - 11:28, Отредактирован Пятница Март 27 - 12:07

Although the short term looks bleak, most western nations will recover from this without it being a major catastrophe.

The real worry is what will happen when there is a large outbreak in more difficult situations, such as the developing countries, regions at war like Syria and in refugee and migrant camps. 

Breaking news ... Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus


il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Ebitimi >> Пятница Март 27 - 12:29

Our hearts are with him. Hopefully he gets better. Moving on, back home in Nigeria as at 8:35pm yesterday total number of cases was 65, 3 discharged and one death. While here in Republic of Benin as at the last time I heard. They only have 3 active case am not sure.

The government (RB) is just shrouded in secrecy. The markets and all essential covenience stores are still opened but large gatherings like church's, Schools (just Universities) mosques have been closed since on Saturday last week.

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
ru Ebitimi >> Пятница Март 27 - 12:31

*Edit* maybe it's to stop unnecessary panic in the masses and to avoid panic buying like we've seen all over. Cause it's working everyone is just going about their business and work like usual just no large gatherings. Security forces are all over to disperse if any.

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
cn Loner >> Пятница Март 27 - 13:40

On March 26, G20 leaders met in a special session across time zones.This is the moment when humanity on earth comes together to overcome the calamities of our time.This is a terrible virus.

cn Loner
hk Tsing Yu #5
lv Ar4ers >> Пятница Март 27 - 15:18

If worldometer gives right info, then 95% of infected are mild symptoms or no symptoms at all

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
nl Losing >> Пятница Март 27 - 18:14

Imagine if 5% of everyone who got it needed medical care. Do we have that capacity? Which patients get priority? What happens in countries when their intensive care units reach their max occupancy? How many million deaths will that cause both in coronapatients and in other patients who now get less attention? What is the risk for doctors spreading it to people who are already weakened?

It isn't something to be cavalier about just because most people survive.

nl Losing
uy Awful >> Пятница Март 27 - 19:23, Отредактирован Пятница Март 27 - 21:33

Italy today 919 deaths  ! Spain is getting worse .. hope this pandemic will end soon !

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
il Numpty >> Пятница Март 27 - 19:26, Отредактирован Суббота Март 28 - 08:40

I just heard on the news that in Italy 46 doctors have died - which is about 5% of the total deaths so far.

That's really tragic. 

Edit - 0.5% as corrected.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ro Andrei >> Пятница Март 27 - 19:59
It really is, Numpty. It really is.
May they rest in peace.
ro Andrei
lv Ar4ers >> Пятница Март 27 - 20:03, Отредактирован Пятница Март 27 - 20:05

In Latvia 6 medical workers are infected...because infected patients lied to them about illness and travelling 

1 surgeon, 3 dentists

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
cn Loner >> Пятница Март 27 - 23:24

Very few of those infected are asymptomatic, and they are also contagious. Some cases have actually been detected. Asymptomatic infection is very difficult to control. In the early stage, it is true that many people are mild cases, but without timely medical treatment, some mild cases will delay to become severe cases, the treatment of severe patients is more difficult.

cn Loner
hk Tsing Yu #5