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Английский >> Общие обсуждения

Training Suggestions and Advice (52)

be humpty >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 08:57

I have a question about special attribute 'concentrated'.

'Bonus when defending against long shots. Bonus for receiving a pass.'

The firts part of the explanation is pretty straight forward. Good for goalkeepers and defenders. 

Does the second part mean that it is a good attribute for attackers, since they recieve a lot of passes? Do they get a scoring bonus each time they recieve a pass?

Thanks for your opinions. 

be humpty
be Schoten SK
ro Funky Grandma >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 09:52, Отредактирован Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 10:02

Hi humpty! I can't say I know for sure what the answer is, but my interpretation ties in to what it says in the help section "Passing", if you navigate to Help->Passing and skills->Trainable features:

If two players pass the ball between each other, the highest passing skill of both players determines the chance on success. This makes this skill important for midfielders because they can connect your defenders with your forwards.

So in my interpretation, it either gives a passing bonus to a player only in the scenario where that player is receiving the ball (which would mean that it's only useful if that player is the one with the higher passing between himslef and the player passing to him), OR in the scenario where two players are passing the ball between eachother, the chance of success for that pass is calculated (using the two players passing + whatever else is used), and then the "conentrated" bonus of the receiving player is added to give the final outcome of the pass.

Having typed these options out and judging by the wording of the special attribute, I'd be tempted to think the second one is right. Which would mean that attackers would also benefit. I doubt they would get a bonus on the scorring action itself, since this bonus would probably apply to the passing/receiving action, but it would make your attacker more likely to end up scorring by virtue of increasing his chances of controlling the pass.

Again, I'm only speculating.

ro Funky Grandma
ro Andrei >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 09:57, Отредактирован Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 14:34
It seems to me that this is basically useful to midfielders only. But only when receiving a pass, not when the player passes to someone else.

ro Andrei
ro Funky Grandma >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 10:01

Sorry Andrei, went and modified my answer quite a bit. While typing this, I changed my mind and settled on my second interpretation xD

ro Funky Grandma
il Numpty >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 10:40, Отредактирован Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 10:47

Good post by @Funky Grandma. (Love the name by the way)

I'm also inclined to agree with his - her? - speculation. In which case it may also increase the chances of scoring via assists, because the Passing counts when assisting. 

However, the description seems too vague to have any certainty. 

It's also worth noting that, in general, many of the attributes that have two separate bonuses will have one that is useful for defending and the other for attacking. 


Thanks for the support, but no need to ban @Awful on my account. I can deal with it and at least he livens up the forum with his rather unique brand of 'advice'. :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ro Andrei >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 14:36
It's fine, Funky, I adjusted my post. But thanks for telling me. :)

@Numpty I'd rather not take his brand of 'advice', thank you very much.
ro Andrei
ee onuelver >> Воскресенье Декабрь 1 - 21:46, Отредактирован Воскресенье Декабрь 1 - 21:54


I see that you don't give needed matches to most of your young players so they lose lot of xp. Every match you can play 13 u21 players if you make 6 subs on halftime. Overall you can handle with good rotation plan 20 youth players in u21 league. Just poor or lazy youth management. 

and 5-6* on 16yo are not very common with FA1. Maybe they have 2 staffs there. I have no such players too. My ST is 16 and still not 5*. Star value can be manipulated with secondary skills too. Best valued mids are typically some crap like 5 balls passing and 3 balls dueling which will make then useless sh*t on both DM and AM position.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
eng Stephen >> Воскресенье Декабрь 1 - 22:23

I know this thread has moved on a bit, but I’ve never found ‘dirty’ to be that useful on a midfielder. I’ve tried 3 balls of duelling and shielding with low tactics but he just wasn’t fouled all that often. I’d love to see a midfielder who is having a lot of success with the attribute. 

My best results were with a forward with pure duelling and long shots. He got fouled more, though still not as often as I would have liked.

eng Stephen
Главный администратор
eng Seaburn Beach
lt Barzda >> Понедельник Декабрь 2 - 19:20

@onuelver is it worth to put youth to olay in frendlies a lot as well? 

lt Barzda
lt FK Barzda
ee onuelver >> Понедельник Декабрь 2 - 23:45

Yep. It will give them positional experience (bars on right in player menu)

But first you should do some plan. If wasted/paused 19+ is not close to first team and has some 3* it's better to sell them and not wasting more other players chances. 

Save a lineup with all subs from your most talented players and use it as base lineup. Sometimes rotate or replace some of them. Who don't fit to that lineup is better to sell now.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Angeldust >> Воскресенье Декабрь 8 - 14:05

I bought this guy with the idea of giving him some position trainings, focus on his passing and making him an attacking mid. 
But now I'm in doubt whether he'd be better of as a DM who can give a couple of assists (train correct, some tactics and then just passing). 
I have enough Chinese players to profit a little form the Patriotic attribute. 

Any thoughts? 


be Angeldust
gr PMK >> Воскресенье Декабрь 8 - 14:15

DM seems better as he will benefit more from the patriotic attribute. Also give him some dueling around 5. Plus you will save your credits and time from position trainings.

gr PMK
be Angeldust >> Понедельник Декабрь 9 - 08:56

Thanks for you input, PMK.
I'm not too worried about the credits and time if it gives me a great player in return. The patriotic attribute will have more advantage at DM indeed, and that's probably the main reason I'm in doubt. 

be Angeldust