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Английский >> Предложения

Закрыто New server ? (90)

no Thor >> Пятница Май 15 - 17:11

There is no difficult choice for managers.

Sadly there is only one.

Stadium 11, goes without saying and upgrade FA as far as possble.

YA is no longer needed. Take a look at the top team in China.

No need for a YA when your FA is so good.

Having a high rated talent 6+ was the best thing to get when there was a value to them, now that you see them sold to the bank it just shows how unimportant there are now.

FA is the only way to go.

no Thor
ee Balthazor >> Суббота Май 16 - 17:28

He is very effective on market: look his list of transfers in this window already. Players he sells have some "trademark"(reputation) and other managers are ready to pay for them more than to other manager's similar player just like couple od saudi and african top teams. So they have always enough money to buy best available players-supertalents and have one of top teams. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
no Thor >> Суббота Май 16 - 17:39, Отредактирован Суббота Май 16 - 17:49

He is effective on the transfer market because he has not wasted £1b on reaching YA 4 and saves millions a week on maintenance.

It is a simple set-up.

FA all the way. 5-3-2 formation.

A new server could change all this.

They could be counter tactics for formations, like 5-3-2 is stronger tha 4-4-2, and 4-3-3 is stronger than 5-3-2 like in most other manager games.

Every tactic would have its counter tactic.

no Thor
au davo >> Воскресенье Май 17 - 06:35

I considered just upgrading to a FA5 and leaving a YC10, however upgrading   FA4-FA5 has the same increase in maintenance costs as YC10-YA4 and the YA gives you younger players with better attributes and approx 1.2 balls of talent more. OK you could probably keep buying YA3-4 youths and selling your YC10 youths to the bank, but if there was a change to the game this could leave you in a bad position.

Ultimately I decided that it was best to stick on YA4 and FA4 and have a bit of leftover cash to spend on transfers, although it may actually be more cost effective to get a YA5 and be able to actually sell the odd player for decent money to fund transfers.

I feel that the game would have been more fun if they hadn't drained all of the income out of it and just made it so that your FA level plus your YA level could not be more than 9, The current transfer market only benefits the established big clubs and there is no real money filtering down to the small clubs. Although I never sold a player for any decent money while building my club, so it is not necessary to do it to succeed, I started playing when the game was 6 months old so I was able to eventually catch up after a few years. Entering the game now would have certainly been a daunting task.

au davo
no Thor >> Воскресенье Май 17 - 15:30

I like your post Davo.

In regards to upgrading the YA, I can not see any change in the game that will benefit having a YA 3/4.

To be honest I cant see any change in the game at all, with the current management.

You are right the new measures are soley for the established clubs. 

There are vast amount of 17/18 year olds in these top teams with star values of 10 -17 which is crazy.

A few talents is understandably but hundreds!!! No this really shows that the game has lost its way.

Managers are no longer scouting for a great talent, now they can easily, very easily create their own wonder players with FA 3/4.

It really has sucked the life out of the game.

You might be wondering why I am still here, well the truth is I feel this could be the football manager browser game like no other.

It really could be something it has so much potential, it just needs fresh eyes, someone who cares to take it on.

When that happens, which I am sure it will one day, it will be in the form of a new server a Rocking Soccer 2.0

no Thor
au davo >> Воскресенье Май 17 - 23:06

I always assumed that they would work out that stripping all the money out of the game would be a bad idea. 

While it was good to get all of the big existing clubs to spend a lot of cash, I had hoped that they would re-evaluate the maintenance costs - especially given the ludicrous wages that a decent player gets paid.

Since then though, the game has been abandoned. I am OK with that though as I like it how it is - winning the last 7 league and cup doubles has helped.

au davo
eng holt >> Понедельник Май 18 - 08:20

@davo I would say that money was sucked out for only the elite teams / those with a popularity of 7 mil+.There was literally no other sure-fire way to prevent managers from building up their teams to a YA and FA 10 by bankrolling it all the way.It ensures that the better your team becomes,the more time you spend on it espicially during the transfer windows,which may or may not be a good thing.

It ensures that there is some scope of catching up in the newer leagues atleast,cause the only way to accelerate the process would be to make radical changes like attribute ceilings.

There is plenty of money for teams like mine in the mid-range,but it dries up pretty quickly cause we can't sell our youths.That's why there is such a huge demand for 14-15 yr non-ST players beause of their resale value.

@Sir Samuel Lee All said and done, what changes would YOU had made in order for the game to be more lively and balanced for many years?

eng holt
in Keju >> Понедельник Май 18 - 08:57


totally agree with your analysis of the ya/fa update.

"like attribute ceilings."

could you please explain this.could be a topic of debate of consideration/debate.

There is plenty of money for teams like mine in the mid-range

How?? I would love to get some more money :P

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
il Numpty >> Понедельник Май 18 - 13:43

I think plenty of money is a relative term depending on the size of the club.

If you live within your means it's possible to make money at any stage, but if you build too big and have expensive players then it slows down development due to lack of funds. 

I've just realised that after 18 months of struggling I must have a mid-range club. 

Now all I need to do is to find the pot of gold. :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
no Thor >> Понедельник Май 18 - 14:43, Отредактирован Понедельник Май 18 - 14:46

@Holt , Like everyone else, where is this plenty of money???

What changes would YOU had made in order for the game to be more lively and balanced for many years?

I would have made the value of payers more realistic, there are some teams now worth Billions on paper, ludicrous. Every first team player worth £333m, just nonsense.

Supertalents would be rare, unlike here where there are teams of Messi's.

The facilities were fine up to level 10, they could just charge a little more for maintenance for the higher llevels.

Bot teams to buy more players from the transfer market, not just the cheap players. This would make Bot tems more appealing to managers to take over and also keep the transfer market alive.

No need for the bank to buy players.

Have players retire then have a seperate transfer market just for Staff. Countless times I have seen 30 year old players with a high star value that lower clubs have bid on when a Billionaire club swoops in and buys the player just to turn him into a staff member.

Stadium 11 was a mistake, again no need for this money machine. 200,000 stadiums, again just nonsense. Even 120,000 is pushing it. I think 80,000 should be the limit.

These are just a few points @holt to get you started.

no Thor
ar Lumpen >> Понедельник Май 18 - 17:19

There's one point i don't get. U are mainly saying the reason not to open the new server is that less people would pay for having a second team. Let me tell you that day to day there are less people paying the game, there are less managers playing the game. I'd like to know how many of the new players keep playing for more than 1 year. Of course, you may lose some poeple in this server, but i ll also be a possibility to make proper advertisment and bring fresh blood to the community. 

There is almost no new players in the game, why should we keep it like these? 

Another idea would make a time limited server, where the winners take prices, where for example u get 1 VIP ticket per national tourment won. I dunno how long, i probably d speed up the server and make them like 5 to 7 actual years in a x4 or x2 speed. I think the main problem is that this game doesnt want to reset it.

I personally, last 2 years come back and then leave the game. As it was said before, this game is probably unique. But u cant make a server last forever, the actual path is slowly killing the game. How many top players are leaving season to season? Are we lossing from 50 to 100? How many real years till the game makes no profit? Game decided to make more appealing for long time players when academies where made. U cant undo things in this server, but u could make a more appealing game for new players in new servers. Its just speeding up the time that this server has left.

ar Lumpen
cn El Chalten
ee Balthazor >> Понедельник Май 18 - 18:03

This game is already one of fastest and most intense with gameday almost every day. Most online management games have 1 or 2 matches per week. Several friends I've tried to call here have said, that this speed demands too much time. Having 2 or 4 league matches per 24h is crazy, most of people have to sleep and work too. Only small amount of nolifers can then play it normally and such small demand can't keep game alive. Then it would be better to turn it already to PC game, where everyone can play in personal pace.

First step for any changes seems to be having programming skills and enough money to buy it from Vincent. He had rejected new server idea already quite early. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee onuelver >> Понедельник Май 18 - 22:14

Hey utopists have you ever thinked about financial balance at all?? If you produce too much money into game there will be inflation too: as everyone has plenty of money they throw it away more easily and finally most of clubs are very poor. This page is more like pre-election advertisement page: who can promise something more absurd stuff get more votes.

Problems of this game started also from economy. All things Sir Samuel Lee find to be bad additions were for balancing economy: academies and selling to bank were not original components. When i started then was rule that players over certain age(31-32 something and keepers maybe 36) lost their market value and were not sellable: you could only fire them. It was changed because when TC and YC reached better level players of that age were still quite playable. Old players wages were then relatively high but prices were cheap. 

Every change will affect many aspects of game and maybe that may be one of reasons why Vincent don't make changes in game. Last changes didn't come finally exactly that way as he expected and that cut down his activity of changes. He must precalculate and aim every possible side-effect before announcing any new steps. Maybe he is still searching good plan how to turn things to better way but didn't find it so far. He can't do something so radical like deleting all academys- then current superplayers will stay to teams probably at age 50+ and are still better than normal TC10+YC10 products. Many angry managers would leave game after that.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
no Thor >> Понедельник Май 18 - 22:28

When i started then was rule that players over certain age(31-32 something and keepers maybe 36) lost their market value and were not sellable.

Yes that sounds like football to me. Very few players are still highly profitable after 30 years old.

He can't do something so radical like deleting all academys- then current superplayers will stay to teams probably at age 50+ and are still better than normal TC10+YC10 products. Many angry managers would leave game after that.

This is the point of this thread, you cant change anything on this server as the damage has been done.

Stadium 11 took care of that a long time ago. 200,000 stadiums still make me laugh.

This game has so many great componants to be a truly great football manager game, but when you have these things like 200,000 seater stadiums and a team of teenagers worth £333m each it kind of seems silly to me.

This is just my opinion, I am not here to argue, I am just trying to thrash out some ideas.

no Thor