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Английский >> Общие обсуждения

Players and teams with most potential (955)

us Peter >> Вторник Июнь 30 - 14:06, Отредактирован Вторник Июнь 30 - 14:07
He is pretty awesome . . .
But if he’s going to become one of your future best players, that Super Sub isn’t going to help.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nl Blaaskaak >> Вторник Июнь 30 - 14:09
That discussion was held before, but I disagree. It will give a bonus on top of his superb scoring skill, which makes him almost sure to score in any second half. And forwards are especially the players you want to change half way, because of the scoring penalty.
nl Blaaskaak
us Peter >> Вторник Июнь 30 - 14:14, Отредактирован Вторник Июнь 30 - 14:15
You have a point, Blaaskaak.
I put him on the list. He’s only 16, that gives a lot of time for training fixed and special attributes. In a couple of seasons he could look much better than the other forwards on my list.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
kn Nehemiah >> Вторник Июнь 30 - 23:18
@Peter He won't look better than at least 2 forwards on the list, both Thibedaux and Lagat are from YC10 and so are a few of the others on the list. As a comparison tool he'll look better than Culai but worse than Lagat once trained since all of them were created from YC10 with early ages except some were better from the beginning and could start in their national teams much younger. On the matter whether super sub will help or be a detriment Lagat for example plays better all game than only in a half and most incredible yc10 supertalents will score several goals and only having him on for one half will definitely hurt not increase their chances.
kn Nehemiah
nl Blaaskaak >> Суббота Июль 4 - 20:24
Definitely, wow. I wish I was so sure about my gut feeling guesses ;-)

Do you have any facts and figueres to back this firm statement up? Because I hounestly couldn't calculate what is better: a full game without bonus or half a game with bonus. Especially since we don't exactly know how big this bonus really is.
nl Blaaskaak
us Peter >> Суббота Июль 4 - 20:28
Remove from the list then . . . ?
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nl Koen >> Суббота Июль 4 - 20:43
No way.

Lagat is better, Thibedeaux a bit better, and then is Dedekind. After that there is a huge gap.

And while we are at it, I miss probably the best goalie in the game:
nl Koen
us Peter >> Суббота Июль 4 - 22:25, Отредактирован Суббота Июль 4 - 22:30
The goalie I listed is more talented, perhaps the most talented goalie in rocking soccer.
The other goalie I listed is also extremely talented, already at 8 stars.
But your goalie is also amazing, already a golden ball in blocking and over 6 stars and NT. He deserves to be put on the list of players with most potential.
If anyone thinks that’s a mistake, they can say so, although I doubt that it is :)
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nl Koen >> Суббота Июль 4 - 22:39
What makes a player really good is not only talent. From the three listed, Fitzhugh would be my first choice. But he is not my goalie, I wish he was :)
nl Koen
au Capernicus >> Воскресенье Июль 5 - 01:22, Отредактирован Воскресенье Июль 5 - 01:24
I have no idea how you calculate and work things out Koen... it seems incredibly wrong. Determined adds +6 blocking at most to a goalkeeper and only in special circumstances so spread it out and it is +3 blocking on average. He is not a 2.0 player so he caps higher on blocking and takes a lot longer to train and he wasn't from a youth centre 10 facility making him gain less experience from a young age. Also saying that Lagat is better, in what way is he? He has a slight speed bonus which will decay over time and a slight power deficit to Thibedaux but also less talent, a 1.0 player and is older with less time under training centre staff.

I just wish I had some of these amazing players...
au Capernicus
nl Koen >> Воскресенье Июль 5 - 06:56
Oh, I was not planning to start a debate on how things really are, just mentioning my personal preferences, and the only reason I started posting in this thread is that I was shocked when I read that Dedekind was on the verge of being trown off the list while there are many weaker ones. I felt I had to protest. So granted: I should have been less firm in my statement about forwards. It is hereby withdrawn. I just meant to show that removing Dedekind there would be really really wrong.
About the numbers: I assure you, I know of 1.0 and 2.0 differences and how speedbonusses decay. At this point I started typing several times to show that I am not 'incredibly wrong', but I'd better not.

Yes, I think we all do!
nl Koen
il Jordy Cruijff >> Воскресенье Июль 5 - 06:58
Sorry for deleting the post, I had to go before completing it, so I published it and deleted after 10 seconds so I can copy paste it and continue when I return. here it is anyway:

Well well, interesting argument with 3 match-ups:

Dedekind vs Lagat/Thibedaux, I think that strongly depends on the team, to a team with no striker NEAR their level, Dedekind is probably quite worse than Lagat/Thibedaux. As in the time he won't play it's a big dis-advantage also Thibedaux/Lagat are bit better even if Dedekind wouldn't have the super-sub, so when the bonus is activated, he becomes bit better than them but not by that much. I said the difference isn't that that big here, since both eventually have good chances to finish the game with one goal, and after scoring one, their edge over the other strikers reduced significaly, if both trained with sharpshooter, edge grows a bit..

However, to a strong team who have 1 or 2 strikers comparable with Dedekind (7+ talent or youth10 with 6.3+ talent), then it's become much more interesting, Still adding Lagat/Thibedaux is probably better than Dedekind but only a bit, as in the first half that striker should be ok (and the more he's better, the less the advantage of Lagat/Thibedaux will be), and in the 2nd half Dedekind will arrive after that striker scored and become much weaker due too scoring penalty, and should have nice impact on the game with excellent chances of scoring a goal...

So for team with brilliant striker already- gap is not big, for team without, gap is big.

Thibedaux vs Lagat- here it's very though and depends on the team, for team like Maccabi Thibedaux easily win, for being younger than the "leader " (Pucciol), and Lagat would be more or less the oldest field player of youth generation there which is usually bad for strikers. But for team vs average age of the important players bigger.. really hard to tell. That 2.0 is a minus though.

Kearns vs Fitzugh, well, different teams might have different needs, but 4 blocking trainings for 2 seasons.. I think here Kearns takes by far, a more intresting is between LKU young keeper to Fitzugh.. both are 1.0 players too.
il Jordy Cruijff
il Jordy Cruijff >> Воскресенье Июль 5 - 07:02
And as comment to your post:

Then I also think Dedekind should be here, he's undoubtly a top-class player, probably the 3rd best in the world, with not big gap from 1,2 for the top-teams.
il Jordy Cruijff
us Peter >> Суббота Июль 11 - 16:27, Отредактирован Воскресенье Июль 12 - 16:36
Did some more searching and added these players to the list:

Mardy Dolittle (GK)
Pierce Monroe (Def)
Brendan Alywin (Def)
Maocha Letlake (Mid)
Samuele Delvecchio (Mid)
Shi-lin Man-ching (Forward)

I think these are good additions to the list. There are so many highly starred young players out there, but these youngsters have higher talent than most.

There was one player I found and I don’t know whether he should be put on the list.
http://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-886808 Is is good enough?

I decided to make this topic not just about players, but about teams as well. I selected the two teams I thought will become the most successful in the future.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers