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Brain Teasers (58)

il Numpty >> Вторник Январь 3 - 15:33

I think you've cracked it. Congrats :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee onuelver >> Вторник Январь 3 - 15:40

...and Vincent has just 106.

In White House current geront has 501 and previous geront 2050.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> Вторник Январь 3 - 15:45, Отредактирован Вторник Январь 3 - 19:06

Seems about right. Try not to give too many details so others can still have a go.

I'll try and post another one shortly. 


#3. The Most Intelligent Princess

A king wants his daughter to marry the smartest of all the extremely intelligent young princes in the kingdom. The 4 very best candidates are shorlisted:

  • Siege
  • Awful
  • dj_speed
  • You

[Yes I know, but every puzzle has it's flaws, lol.] 

The king's wise men devise the following intelligence test. 

The 4 princes are to be gathered into a room and seated, facing one another, and are shown 4 blue hats and 3 yellow hats. They are blindfolded, and 1 hat is placed on each of their heads, with the remaining hats hidden in a different room.

The king tells them that the first prince to deduce the colour of his hat without removing it or looking at it will marry his daughter. A wrong guess will mean death. The blindfolds are then removed. Each prince must provide a written answer with either of the two colours or blank if they don't wish to answer. This avoids giving any information to the other 3 candidates.

You know that your competitors are very intelligent and want nothing more than to marry the princess. You also know that the king is a man of his word, and he has said that the test is a fair and equal test of intelligence and bravery.

But there's a twist. 

The princess is seriously unimpressed by all 4 candidates and doesn't wish to be the prize in such a competition. In fact, she finds them so disgusting that she decides to interfere in the test in such a way that all 4 princes will give the wrong answer and will be put to death. 

Unbeknown to the king and the princes she manages to switch the hats. 

What colour hats are the 4 princes wearing when the blindfolds are removed?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> Вторник Январь 3 - 19:59

#4. 100 Gold Hryvnia's 

Five mercenaries have obtained 100 gold hryvnia coins and have to divvy up the loot. The mercenaries are all intelligent, treacherous, violent and greedy.

The commander proposes a distribution of the loot and all of the mercenaries vote on the proposal. If at least half of them agree the loot is divided as proposed, as no-one would be willing to take on the commander without superior numbers on their side.

If the commander fails to obtain the support of at least half his men (which includes himself), he faces a mutiny, and they will turn against him and kill him. The remainder start again with the next highest in rank taking over command.

What is the maximum number of gold coins the commander can keep without risking his life?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee onuelver >> Среда Январь 4 - 05:13

I suspect that princess dig up fourth yellow hat and all princes will wear yellow ones. As they know there being 3 yellow hats everyone will be sure that he has blue one. 

Mercenaries are not happy with equal distribution 20 to everyone as i understand...there is no border how greedy everyone is. If everyone's goal is 50 there is no chance at all. When equality don't fit i don't believe that 16(commander) vs 4x21 will make them happy. Maybe 40-40-20(c)-0-0 is not enough too?

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> Среда Январь 4 - 09:00, Отредактирован Пятница Январь 6 - 13:36

Solutions in another thread, here:


il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> Среда Январь 4 - 11:01, Отредактирован Среда Январь 4 - 12:01

For the maths nerds.

#5. Going round in circles or a wild goose chase?

Does this rather strange looking series have a simple solution or will you be chasing it forever? If so, what's the answer?

  • 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11 + 1/13 - 1/15 ...

Hint: Multiplying by 4 might make it a little easier

[Difficulty level - Hard (unless you cheat)]

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng ipfreely >> Среда Январь 4 - 13:30

I know the answer to 4. Can't quite remember why, though!

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
il Numpty >> Среда Январь 4 - 18:24

That sounds something like Siege said to his teacher ... 'The dog ate my homework' :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ng siege >> Четверг Январь 5 - 09:38

you can take a cow to a well but you can't make it drink water..

ng siege
tt siege is still here
il Numpty >> Четверг Январь 5 - 13:41

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> Четверг Январь 5 - 23:25, Отредактирован Пятница Январь 6 - 01:22

#6. On The Run

A column of soldiers 4 miles long marches at a constant speed for 3 miles. At the same time a runner runs at a constant speed from the back of the column to the front and back again to the back of the column.

How far does the runner run?

How fast is the running speed in comparison to the marching speed?

Bonus questions 

1. Consider the effect of changing the numbers for both the column length and the marching distance.

Do they both matter, and if so, which matters most or do they contribute equally to the total running distance. 

2. Is it theoretically possible for the runner to achieve this with any length of column and marching distance and still be able to run at a constant speed, assuming there are no speed limitations on the runner. Or can the column length be too long in relation to the distance being marched?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> Пятница Январь 6 - 00:50

#7. What's The Number?

What number should replace the question mark?

  • 204 981 864 416 636 1010?
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kupus >> Пятница Январь 6 - 01:33


hr Kupus
Администратор сообщества
de Regnum Croatorum
ng siege >> Пятница Январь 6 - 11:09

stop this..

ng siege
tt siege is still here