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Английский >> Общие обсуждения

Not Frustrated at all topic. Season 9-99 (9257)

eng ipfreely >> Понедельник Январь 29 - 21:51

Ouch, sounds v painful!

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
il Numpty >> Понедельник Январь 29 - 22:14, Отредактирован Понедельник Январь 29 - 22:37

Thanks for the concern.

I know a little about treating burns, so I immediately put some cold water on my hands and then went outside, where I have a large water butt, and immersed them for a few minutes in very cold water which helps to mitigate the damage. But the pain didn't really go away and I kept the immersion going on/off for an hour or so, while I tried to assess how serious it was. The worst patches are fairly small - about 2 or 3 cm across - so I've treated them myself with 'Sudocrem' and covered one hand with cling film and a food bag, lol.

If I went to a minor injuries unit they probably wouldn't do anything  significantly different. The need for professional burns treatment is based on the severity of the burn, the size of area and body parts. Mine is probably below that threshold but I called my GP surgery to double check  and see if there was anything else I should be doing. Unfortunately I couldn't even get a telephone appointment for another 3 days!

Since the 'official route' has failed, I'm now waiting on a call back from my daughter, who is a doctor and currently working as a GP registrar. 

Incidentally, since there is some interest in my stupidity I thought I would explain what happened... I was holding a plastic jug of very hot water which was nearly full, perhaps a little too full. There was no lid. I spilled a fairly small drop on one hand and the reaction to that - aaaaah! - was a trigger that caused me to shake the jug enough to spill about half the contents over both hands before putting it down. I suppose I was fortunate that it was only my hands and nowhere else.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> Вторник Январь 30 - 23:40

Hahaha this game got updated. You can watch video ads for credits now.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
eng Monk >> Среда Январь 31 - 06:58

Football putting money before the fans that support its sheer existence? Whatever next? Be careful folks, before you know it we'll have politicians that put their own careers before the interests of the nation.

Meanwhile those geriatric keepers keep the millions rolling in each season. They are the real 1%ers. 

eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
us Peter >> Среда Январь 31 - 15:47, Отредактирован Среда Январь 31 - 17:54

If there's going to be a game update I suggest hard-coding each and every player, no matter how talented, no matter how good their FA, to sharply decline after the age of 40. Or somewhere around there. The age of immortal goalkeepers needs to end.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Joey >> Среда Январь 31 - 17:11, Отредактирован Среда Январь 31 - 17:12

Yes, I agree with Peter, but how do you go about that in a way that's fair to the managers who already have such a player on their team, and have made plans around that?

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." It shouldn't be that way, but if someone is using it to their advantage, I don't think it's their problem. So if it must be changed, and I too believe it should, I'd prefer to see it done in a way that isn't going to hurt certain teams who have simply made the most of a well-known "feature" of the game. Alas, I don't have any ideas myself for how that can be done.

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
us Peter >> Среда Январь 31 - 17:55

Give these managers x number of seasons to prepare for the update before it actually goes into effect.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
il Numpty >> Среда Январь 31 - 18:21, Отредактирован Среда Январь 31 - 19:03

Speaking as someone who has made long term plans around these players, giving x number of seasons to prepare just wouldn't cut the mustard. 

Any change should be implemented for a future generation of players and leave the current players alone. In time they will all disappear and/or become too expensive. 

That would be the only fair way to proceed.


And it never fails to amaze me when people complain about only one aspect of the game that is not very realistic. There are plenty of other features that bear little resemblance to reality such as a 6.50 talent player coming from a specialised building and then earning experience to 'buy' their training. Talent is in the DNA and not something you get from a bigger building. 

Or having a 200 level museum that earns lots of money.  Really? Shall we just demolish all the museums at the same time?

If we tried to change or abolish every silly feature that wasn't realistic we'd have no game left. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against change per se. But any change has to be done in a way that improves the game going forward, but is also fair to the current generation of players, teams and managers. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Balthazor >> Среда Январь 31 - 18:35

Theoretical upgrade of keepers would skyrocket price of every average keeper because there will be huge deficit. Very few teams are growing new keepers because it's real pain: he will come useable maybe close to 30, but how do you develop him after 24, when you can't loan him out? The board will oink every time, when you try to give him one half and blame damaging of team's reputation, if you have another, better keeper for results. It was problem already before supergeronts.

I tried once growing of keeper from mediocre ST but at some point understood that he will not be good enough and sold him. After 30 he has appeared sometimes in NT shortlist, recently has got some interlands but at 36 still far from required standard, with him I would stay without any medal last season. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
il Numpty >> Среда Январь 31 - 18:59


It would be best if all the keepers could play in the U21s regardless of any age restriction, which would only apply to outfield players. That would make it easier to bring more keepers through.

The other issue is young keepers don't rise in value very quickly so 'farming' them is not very profitable either.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> Четверг Февраль 1 - 20:46

@numpty forget unrealistic it completely removes the need to ever buy a new keeper if you land one of these demigod goalies. And that's just stupid 

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
il Numpty >> Четверг Февраль 1 - 22:23, Отредактирован Четверг Февраль 1 - 23:15

It's perfectly understandable why you would think that @Peter. 

It seems to be a common belief held by those who don't have one. But it's wrong. They won't last forever. Mostly because of the massive wages they demand. 

I don't know of one single example where a manager has kept one of these so-called demigod keepers for more than a few seasons. 

  1. They either disappear when the manager leaves or gets fired, which is often because of financial difficulties and player wages. 
  2. Or the player gets fired or sold to the bank because of the unsustainable wages.
  3. Or they get sold to an unsuspecting manager who then has the same problem and has to get rid.

Here are just a few examples where they haven't:

Pucciol rated 48.80, sold to bank because he was too expensive to keep. No bidders.


Charkaoui rated 49.25, sold because he'd become too expensive. Played only 1 match for the buyer who resigned shortly afterwards and player left in the club reset. 


Durrance rated 40.95, sold a few seasons ago because he was too expensive to keep. The buyer has tried many times to sell him but no-one is interested.


Coly rated 58.00, got sold twice in the last 2 months. The latest buyer seems to have realised it was a big mistake and was constantly on the market during the last 2 transfer windows. The wage demand was around $11 million a day.   


Mahut rated 49.60, also sold 2 months ago at age 66. The previous manager didn't want to keep him despite having him for around 20 seasons, I wonder why?


There are a number of others at slightly lower ratings who will also become unaffordable at some point.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> Четверг Февраль 1 - 22:52, Отредактирован Четверг Февраль 1 - 23:04

To be clear - the game has many silly or even stupid features, but they are exactly the same for everyone.

Personally, I have no problem with the silly museum feature, the very basic and unrealistic match engine, the player ages or any other stupid feature. As long as the game is fair and the features are the same for everyone. 

My approach has always been to just enjoy playing the game as I see it and try and work with or make the most of any strange idiosyncracies. It makes the game what it is. I build my museum levels because it's a fun part of the game, but I know it has absolutely nothing to do with a football simulation.  

There are things I would like to change, but they are aspects that are either unfair, or improvements that would be good for everyone. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Joey >> Пятница Февраль 2 - 08:38, Отредактирован Пятница Февраль 2 - 08:39


Scottish flag guy did me a big favor, I thought I was going to be one short of the required 80% attendance. :D

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
il דוד >> Пятница Февраль 2 - 11:04
How did this group become a satellite group of a national team?  


il דוד
hr The best team