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FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10415)

ee onuelver >> Пятница Январь 19 - 04:31

And so i killed Maestro....he disappeared shortly after my last post here.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> Пятница Январь 19 - 09:18

You're an assassin @onuelver. :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kupus >> Пятница Январь 19 - 13:25

A side note, I actually believe it was a she. Not a he. 

hr Kupus
Администратор сообщества
de Regnum Croatorum
il Numpty >> Пятница Январь 19 - 14:24

Oh dear, so she's been 'mispronouned'. 

That's an even worse crime . Apparently. :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> Суббота Январь 20 - 11:21

My Construction Master retired and I immediately replaced him with the best available unassigned staff who had skill level 6. 

The next day I bought a replacement to fill the quota for unassigned staff. His best skill was Construction Master level 7. Ouch!

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> Суббота Январь 20 - 12:05

Man, that's annoying!

eng Stephen
Главный администратор
eng Seaburn Beach
lv Ar4ers >> Воскресенье Январь 21 - 23:52

How admins accepted this?


lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
il Numpty >> Понедельник Январь 22 - 00:26

Yes, it's a massive transfer fee, but the player is world class and still improving. 

What's the issue exactly?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Ar4ers >> Понедельник Январь 22 - 08:34

It depends how much bidders there was

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
il Numpty >> Понедельник Январь 22 - 11:55

Yes, other bidders help to 'legitimise' the amount to some degree, But whether there were other bidders or not is not proof that the transfer fee is either excessive or reasonable. 

I'm not admin, but if I were I would ask myself 2 main questions. 

Is the transfer fee within the normal range for 'fair value' and is this an unusual purchase and/or amount for the buying manager? 

When it comes to deciding on 'fair value' the best guide is what other similar players are selling for. This is much more difficult when it comes to valuing the very best players in the game.

This one was a fairly young supertalent at birth and trained for most of his career in an FA6 with 2 staff, which goes some way to explain his massive stats. He's only 26, yet to reach his peak and loyal, so how do you put a fair value on that? Other world class players have sold for similar amounts. I wouldn't want to pay that myself, but it's probably not excessive especially if the buying manager has a track record.  

And when I looked at the buyer that's exactly what I see. North American Champions League finalist for each of the last 5 seasons: 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 

If it was a one off massive purchase I would have more concerns but the buyer has a track record and knows what he's doing.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Ebitimi >> Понедельник Январь 22 - 13:16

Lol....  That's all I have to say. Because if I say all that's on my mind I might likely get suspended. So LOL 

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
il Numpty >> Вторник Январь 23 - 00:56

This transfer window is awful - seriously fed up after winning about 1 bid in 20!

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Ebitimi >> Вторник Январь 23 - 05:20

Lol, at least you've won something. I'm yet to and not for lack of trying.

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
eng Cloughie >> Вторник Январь 23 - 23:04

For the first time I'm thinking of giving of alcohol!!! For some unknown reason I put my new singing and best player up for sale and yesterday ... a day after working hard to find the perfect addition

eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
ru Ebitimi >> Среда Январь 24 - 16:19

Lol, Cloughie I saw what you did there. That's very funny Like was that a mistake or something?   Majority of the profit would be taken by the bank since you bought him and sold him in same window.

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo