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Английский >> Реальный футбол

It's for the KOP (1052)

nz Luke Broadcast >> Воскресенье Апрель 27 - 18:35
:D looks like Mourinho can get a cleen sheet with everyone. very pleased with Kalas! could be a good player in the future :)
nz Luke Broadcast
ee Balthazor >> Воскресенье Апрель 27 - 18:41
You didn't notice :D at end. It's just funny to read that "it's impossible to play against bus" says fan of team, which was known with same tactics previously. And Chelsea had 3 important players missing. Well, you have still matches against Palace and Newcastle, who are typically crap against LFC. City has matches with Everton, Aston Villa and West Ham. It seems your biggest hopes are your dear neighbours.
ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng Dragontao >> Воскресенье Апрель 27 - 22:18
Chelsea don't park a bus, they park an armoured personnel carrier. Busses are non agressive and passive, APC's fire back :-)
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
my Kesvick >> Воскресенье Апрель 27 - 23:36
Why stop at an armoured personnel carrier? Chelsea park a tank. More armour, bigger cannon, bigger boom.
my Kesvick
vn Avy Nguyen >> Понедельник Апрель 28 - 02:02
Well, I'm more amazed at Ba's lucky streaks. He score more than 3 important goals for Chelsea already. @@
vn Avy Nguyen
eng holt >> Понедельник Апрель 28 - 06:56
That's luck.If Gerrard hadn't slipped, he would have never scored that goal.
eng holt
eng Aamirkhan >> Понедельник Апрель 28 - 08:58
Liverpool are still favourite for the Title. City have tougher games including Everton away next which is a top table clash with Martinez side playing strong.

I still think Liverpool will win it in the end. They deserve it more!
eng Aamirkhan
bn Mercedes-Benz >> Среда Апрель 30 - 10:15
Liverpool and Everton have always been rivals, who put their hopes in Everton is not practical.
bn Mercedes-Benz
my Kesvick >> Среда Апрель 30 - 11:58
You're being cynical. Everton will go out and do their best (as they should); whatever that will happen, will happen. You play for pride, and the chance to snatch 4th in the hopes that Arsenal slip up.
my Kesvick
lt Arunas Valickas Jr. >> Четверг Май 1 - 08:42, Отредактирован Четверг Май 1 - 08:42
Mercedes u are so wrong. Liverpool and Everton is best derby in the world I think. Both teams support each other, fans respect each other. Here take it




lt Arunas Valickas Jr.
nz Luke Broadcast >> Четверг Май 1 - 08:57
best derby in the world :D lets take those liverpool glasses off now
nz Luke Broadcast
lt Justas >> Четверг Май 1 - 09:09, Отредактирован Четверг Май 1 - 09:14
Torres, if you don't understand his comment meaning, why are you leaving those mad replies? And if you do understand, why are you replying totally out of concept?

And Arunas is right, Liverpool and Everton isn't the derby as we used to know. Ofc they're rivals, but nowhere near "Liverpool and Everton have always been rivals, who put their hopes in Everton is not practical."

After all, even if LFC would be the most hated club by Everton, I can't see how it would change the outcome of the match against City. No one would lose a game at home on purpose, just to make things harder for someone else. Also keeping in mind, that Everton still has chances to get in CL if Arsenal would slip.
lt Justas
nz Luke Broadcast >> Четверг Май 1 - 09:21
nothing mad intended...

well, my friend is also liverpool fan and im tired of his statements about this club. yes, gerrard is very good player, but he is not the best. same with liverpool everton rivalry. this derby is nowhere near barca-real, which means it already cannot be the best derby someone could think of. about those friendly pictures, barca-real fans could take those as well, if they are childhood friends or something like that....ive been in liverpool and i dont know what respect are you talking about between those fans. large amount of them still dont like each other, of course there are exeptions...
nz Luke Broadcast
lt Justas >> Четверг Май 1 - 09:38
Actually, barca-real isn't the derby. And as I said, ofc LFC-Everton are rivals, but they're way more friendly then other common derbies (all London teams f.e., even yours ex. with barca-real, if we count that as derby).

That's not just pictures what describes that. If you walk around in Liverpool and ask LFC fans, what are the clubs in EPL you wouldn't want to win title next year. I bet most of the times Everton even wouldn't occure on top 3 of those choices.

There are 2 teams from the same city in the same league, ofc they want to show who is the boss here. But as I said, the relationship between them is way more friendly then in other common derbies.
lt Justas
lt Arunas Valickas Jr. >> Четверг Май 1 - 16:05
And I think this photo says everything about liverpool and everton :)
lt Arunas Valickas Jr.