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Английский >> Предложения

Закрыто New server ? (90)

fr Yannick42 >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 10:44
Good morning to you all,

Has the possibility of creating a second server been mentioned? I think it would be nice to have another waiter to, perhaps, create his 2nd team to start at 0. I would like to be able to remake a second team but the level difference between the new teams and the old ones is far too consistent now.
New players could also choose to create their team on the old or the new server?
fr Yannick42
hu Ardelean David >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 11:17

That would be a great idea, just like in their tennis game.

hu Ardelean David
il Numpty >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:05

Great for new players as we'd all like to join an easier game. 

But what do you think will happen to the current game when everyone joins the new server?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hu Ardelean David >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:11

Like in the tennis game, you can play in both server, so the server one wont let down

hu Ardelean David
il Numpty >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:17, Отредактирован Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:23

RS and Rocking Rackets do have some similarities but also some major differences. 

In RR there is no advantage for longevity and anyone can build a new player and reach the top of the game in their chosen server within about 6 months. I know this because I've played RR in the past and taken a few different players to the #1 ranking. Then when the player gets older you have to start again with a new player. There's no reward for doing well and the game becomes repetitive. New player, wash, rinse and repeat. 

That is simply not the case for RS. If there were 2 servers the vast majority of new players would join the new one because it will be much easier. Then what would happen to the current game?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hu Ardelean David >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:20

Nowadays the new players join see thebig teams and get off from the game. What would be the difference with a second server? They would join that instead of stay away from the game, cuz they cant reach the bigboys

hu Ardelean David
fr Yannick42 >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:29
There are already a lot of players on the current server, I’m not sure there is any need for new ones.
Opening a new server would discourage new players who quickly realize that it is almost impossible to compete with the best game teams... with fewer players for 7 real years, and even more ...
fr Yannick42
il Numpty >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:42, Отредактирован Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:49

A very big difference.

I agree that probably a lot of people leave because they see they are so far behind that it makes the current game very hard for new players.

That problem needs to be solved but a new server is not the answer as it would kill off the current game. 

There will always be players who join and leave fairly quickly, but as things stand there are plenty of new players who do stick around. They don't all leave - and the curent game does need fresh blood to survive.

Without doubt almost all new players would join the new, easier, game if there was another server. 

For me, starting 6 or 7 years behind some of the top teams, it's about having the right mindset:

  • How quickly can I close the gap with the top level?
  • Just reaching level 1 would be a big achievement in itself.
  • Setting small targets along the way
  • Taking pleasure in any wins against much bigger clubs 
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
fr Yannick42 >> Вторник Апрель 28 - 12:47
This will not solve all the problems but it will have the merit of proposing an alternative solution.

After, free to players being on the new server to join the old one for more "difficulty" by changing club as is possible on this game
fr Yannick42
ee onuelver >> Воскресенье Май 3 - 08:19

I remember new game server discussions from very early already. It will probably kill many current leagues if it's not allowed to keep team in both server freely. Do you remember when some leagues were (re)opened here? Tens of golddiggers rushed there and 3-4 league levels were filled with less than week and most leave it after just 3-4 seasons including all better known jumpers. Remember when long-waited Kosovo was finally opened? Last time i checked they had bots in league 1 and empty level 2. It happened in every league later opened. Half of managers were always same and propellered over fresh leagues like vultures without getting anything into their beak. 

But having free team in both server is not useful financially to developer. Some current vips would then abandon ordering it and that will harm devs more. Both servers cost money to have them and keep in work. Having second team only for vip-3 will kill surely old server leagues as most will go to new leagues. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
no Thor >> Четверг Май 14 - 12:56

I think a new server is the most logical idea.

If Vincent could email all the previous managers and current managers that a Rocking Soccer 2.0 was about to start there would be a huge amount of new and old managers coming into the game.

People will say what about Server 1? 

Well I do not think anything will change, people will still be able to keep their teams and carry on as normal.

Server 2.0 will give managers the chance to own a new team or second team with a fresh equal start witth the rest of the managers.

It could also be an opportunity for Rocking Soccer to adjust the player values to a more realistic value and reinvent the Supertalent system where they are harder to come by.

no Thor
ee onuelver >> Пятница Май 15 - 10:41

It would need different code writing for both servers or it will affect old server's game too.

You should know that whole community is waiting some changes from Vincent but he has no time or will to do it. He was also against new server in earlier debates imo. If every user can have team freely in both servers then many 2-team-fans users will abandon ordering VIP at all. That is surely against drvelopers interest: holding 2 servers will mean double costs and same time reduced income. Even i see that it's very unlogical and harmful economy. 

Let me predict: in new server soon will dominate same managers who are doing well here- because experience matters. Just like in reopened leagues was. 

Isn't supertalent already hard enough to come? I see that in YA1 my 30th player arrived almost 1 year and 2 months ago and in YA3 it's more than one and half years(half of that i had YA2 so it could be even longer). That is distance between 2 supertalents for many managers if they are not very lucky to get earlier unexpected ST. It's longer period than your whole managing career.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
no Thor >> Пятница Май 15 - 13:56

Initially there will be a lot more people buying VIP in a new server as they will want to get a good start.

The problem with this server was that managers already had billions in their accounts when the new FA and YA were announced so they were able to buy these facilities straight away.

This would not be the case in a new server as everyone starts at zero, it will be so much harder to buy FA and YA just like it is now for mid range teams.

As for Supertalents, I classify these as anything over Talent 5 which originally were Supertalents from Level 10 Youth Centre.

What would you classify as a Supertalent??? 6+, 7+, 8+???

no Thor
eng Stephen >> Пятница Май 15 - 14:21

The accepted definition of supertalent in the game is any player that has a talent higher than one would normally expect from their YC. I’ve not long ago had a supertalent from YC3 for my second team. He has a whopping 3.4 balls of talent. He’s not much, but he’s still a supertalent.

eng Stephen
Главный администратор
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> Пятница Май 15 - 14:26, Отредактирован Пятница Май 15 - 14:36

By definition a Supertalent has at least 0.75 more talent than expected from the youth centre/academy that he came from. 

With the latest academies there are now stacks of players on the market with Talent between 5 and 6. I've also seen quite a few 6 talent youngsters getting sold to the bank. 

So these days high talent has to be at least 6.5 and a special talent is anything over 7. 

Edit - posted before seeing Stephen's contribution, so just adds a bit more detail. 

The other relevant factor is that as more and more clubs build high level academies the value of the youths they produce are worth less than before. But since the costs don't reduce this makes it a more interesting game. Managers have to make difficult choices here - should I build and produce my own or just try and buy them? 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets