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Английский >> Предложения

Transfer forum (3)

ee Kaarel >> Пятница Октябрь 11 - 17:46

Bring transfer forum back. It would bring some excitement to the game. Current market type is extremely dull.

No,  your scout office will not be useless because you can't buy players from "not discovered" regions. 

You could make switching regions into mid-season thing and lock it on transfer window to keep it useless. 

Tldr;  ffs bring transfer forum back. 

ee Kaarel
ee Anonüümsed Alkohoolikud
it Echo >> Воскресенье Октябрь 13 - 09:52

Market is still cause of the "out of every kind of plausibility" prices that are requested in most cases.

For the right prices people buy, for the prices there are now people don't buy.

So in my opinion advertising on a foum wouldn't change anything.

it Echo
ee Kaarel >> Воскресенье Октябрь 13 - 16:07

You could discuss for a fair value of that player. 

When it was opened before I commented quite few OP transfers.

You also could advertise players that you have not put on TL yet. 

ee Kaarel
ee Anonüümsed Alkohoolikud