Лига Финляндия Сезон 6

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Congratulations (5)

nl Danh >> Четверг Июль 4 - 11:34
Congratzz Turun Jyrat with ur championship this season.
ur the team to beat now in Finland
nl Danh
fi Ruttuleo >> Четверг Июль 4 - 21:15
yeah congratulations Roope. You are doing a dynasty in Finland :D
fi Ruttuleo
fi Roope >> Пятница Июль 5 - 06:10
Thanks guys,

Really happy to win,
but even more happy to see activity in the league getting better.

Next season will be even more competitive than this was.

Hope I could get a league win for Finland too ;) (That would be a small miracle on grass)

fi Roope
nl Danh >> Вторник Июль 9 - 12:11
Well we gotta make finland strong together and I am glad I made the move to finland.
In the netherlands I would stand no chance I rather be in china then :P they are so far ahead even for you roope.
I think about switching my youth centre to only finnish players since I dont have a lower chance on getting good players, and Finnish talent will come trough I have almost lvl 5 youth centre
nl Danh
ph QuaX >> Суббота Август 3 - 09:59, Отредактирован Суббота Август 3 - 10:00
Yeah, congrats Roope,
Ur team is doing awesome :D
ph QuaX